The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform
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Sigh, the sword guy, not his business, won’t matter

What’s going on in america is a total disgrace says man who has been president of america for 3 and a half years.


well it’s all obama’s fault you see

Wait…I thought Trump was the criminal justice reform guy.

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What we desperately need in America right now is LONG TERM jail sentences given out within a day of a crime being committed, good to know our leaders have the right priorities.

“SO TERRIBLE! Where are the arrests and LONG TERM jail sentences of the cops that aided and abetted George Floyd’s murder?”

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Biden has had a bunch of very good interviews in the sense that he’s said everything you’d expect the Democratic nominee to say and he has fulfilled that job well. But it’s so absurdly milquetoast that it’s partly why so many of us are frustrated with him as the nominee. We’ve leaped onto his gaffes because they’re the most dramatic things he says. How inspiring is a candidate when the biggest question from both parties is how will our candidate screw up today?

So…what you said :face_with_monocle::partying_face:

He is blaming the riots on Biden.

How nice.

But #FreethePolice


He is what is he is though. The bigger question is why did a zillion candidates have to seek the nomination. It splintered the mainstream vote. The Republicans did the exact same thing four years earlier and the fringe guy benefitted. Then the party got scared Bernie would win the nomination and panicked to mobilize behind Biden. I’m sure he was as surprised as anyone.

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Gas chambers are a kind of criminal justice reform.
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This out of state thing is not the big “gotcha” the Trump derps think it is.

They are very committed to the concept of “Othering” groups to make it easier to whip up hate against that group. It may seem stupid, but history suggests that it works.

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I said exactly this earlier in a Slack chat, it’s basically a collection of Facebook groups that mostly shows up at Richard Spencer talks.

Their excuse when it comes to white nationalist extremists is that the surveillance powers exercised to deter foreign hostilities would infringe on Americans’ rights if they were applied domestically. I’m sure we’ll find out it only applies to white conservatives.

“We suspect Antifa may be working with Muslim extremists.”

That’s all they need to do to.