The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I do a lot of work that involves Army Corps of Engineers planning, so I have read nearly all their Engineering Regulations, and they really don’t read much different than a Trump transcript.

I’d take a recession if it is the only way to get rid of Trump.

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That would be a new impeachment charge. They don’t need to ‘wait’ on anything. No one would fight on impeachment there, because he would have lost the election and would be in the lame duck.

Trump’s the guy spreading gasoline all over his house and is playing with a lighter. He accidentally drops the lighter. Then he screams NOT MY FAULT NOT MY FAULT IT WAS ERIC when the house burns down.

Our expectation should be that the election in 2020 is going to be rigged, because the GOP has stopped nothing in regard to election interference and is actively undermining security in the election (this is where we’re forced to root for the FBI and intelligence agencies to ‘save’ us). China very likely will interfere big time, and they will probably be favoring the Democrats. Even Russia could switch to supporting the Democrats, just to eff with the GOP and Trump and to divide the country further.

This is the problem with their short term idiotic thinking. They’ve now compromised our elections so bad, for who knows how long, that you really can’t trust any of the results we’re getting until that’s fixed. When will that get fixed? When the GOP gets effed by their already rampant cheating…

Something that concerns me is that in the past, recessions tend to lag a yield curve flip by 8-12 mos. - so a recession could come just before (OK) or just after the 2020 election (not so good)

OTOH, I’m feeling more optimistic about 2020, because I think a fair number of “casual” Trump voters are getting to the point where they’re tired of the noise and nonsense - most of us have had a batshit crazy girlfriend at some point - exciting to be around, new and different, blah, blah, blah… and eventually you’re thinking about moving to Greenland to get away from her. I think Trump is the crazy girlfriend for those people, and they’re not gonna pick up the phone in 2020.


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Only problem with that is that line of thinking is racism. Most of his voters literally could care less what he says or does as long as he keeps up the racism. Although I hope you are right.

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But what if the crazy girlfriend bought you Greenland so you could move there to get away from her?

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Doesn’t take many to make his election just about impossible. I hope.


She bought it for him because she’s passive-aggressively encouraging him to commit suicide as Greenland has the highest suicide rate in the world.

So I’m assuming he’s referring to some baloney that Google “influenced” people rather than directly manipulated cast votes. In that case, the retort here is simple, corporations are people, my friend. They have free speech rights.
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

Lol this guy is going to prison if he’s still alive in January 2021.

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Can’t even get his precious 50% from Rasmussen, now he’s resorting to Zogby, lol.

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He’s never going to see the inside of a jail cell, let’s not kid ourselves. This is America.

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Nope. A Dem President will never prosecute a former President, because optics and rising above and other shitty reasons.

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It’s not the feds he has to worry about. It’s the New York state courts, and they’re not a fan.


There are a lot of Democratic DA’s in the US and Trump has committed a lot of crimes. Also after 4 years of Trump and god knows how many felonies I doubt very much the Democratic nominee will do something silly like pardon Trump. And if they don’t pardon him there’s a US attorney somewhere who wants to put his head on their wall. Which will be trivially easy. This is a major career achievement we’re talking about. Without explicit protection the man is screwed by the feds. And no amount of federal protection will cover him from NY as you correctly pointed out.

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It would only take one deplorable juror to nullify whatever they have on him though

Somehow we get all white juries all the time. Prosecutors have an incredible amount of power over who gets on juries. Also there was at least one deplorable on the Manafort jury and he’ll never be free again. Most deplorables could be flipped with thousands of pages of hard evidence and a good prosecutor to explain it to them. Trump is one of those people who doesn’t do better when people get close to him. Proximity seems to cause people to run away as fast as they can a sizable % of the time.

If he’s acquitted in the first trial there will be a second for different charges. And after that a third. He’ll be dead before they all finish most likely. Which is why career con artists don’t usually run for president. Waaaay too much attention to be healthy. Does anyone here actually think this guy wouldn’t already be in prison if he had been born middle class?