The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

He wants to rip the fox poll so bad.

One of my favourite things about trump is the way stuff just happens to him. The mooch somehow became part of my campaign (and my director of communications) just totally at random. Pretty unlucky tbh.


ā€œI barely knew this man until I hired him to run the entire WH comms operation!ā€

Surprised he didnā€™t go ā€œshellactā€.
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The important thing to take away from this is that in Trumpā€™s mind heā€™s never responsible for anything. Unless itā€™s good and then if heā€™s heard of it he must have done it. I bet you could get him to take responsibility for stuff or not just by changing the inflection in your voice to make him think you thought it was something good/bad.

One of the things that bothers me the most about Trump is that from now on anytime a person from the private sector tries to run for president people are going to say things like ā€˜I canā€™t trust a businessperson to be president again after Trumpā€™. This dude is not a business person. Heā€™s a relatively inept scammer. Itā€™s all fake.
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You know what, the economy is doing SO GOOD we should just drop the Fed rate straight to zero.
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This shit is never going to fucking end.

why couldnā€™t I vote via google???

Of all the dumb shit this idiot has posted, this has got to be up there for most dangerous.

Well what the fuck Google you couldnā€™t have manipulated 80,000 more votes in Wisconsin or whatever so we could have won the electoral college? Thanks a lot. Next time you manipulate 16,000,000 votes at least make sure the democrat wins.

Amplifying reckless conspiracy theory, Trump baselessly asserts Google ā€˜manipulatedā€™ 2016 election
Wow, Tweet Just Out! The president is claiming that a big tech company manipulated millions of votes in the last presidential election! That would seem to be extraordinarily reckless on the part of the president, in terms of the potential damage it could wreak to the public faith in free and fair elections, ie American democracy itself, if there were any chance that the story was maybe just another wild conspiracy theory advanced by Judicial Watch, the extreme-right propaganda outlet still devoted in August 2019 to a pretty much uninterrupted stream of Hillary Clinton conspiracy theories which the president retweets frequently especially when he seems especially upset.

Donald J. Trump
Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought! @JudicialWatch

August 19, 2019
We canā€™t locate at the moment the ā€œReport Just Out!ā€ that the president refers to here because we have allowed our subscription to Bananas Politics Conspiracy Theories to lapse. Developingā€¦


I think Trumpā€™s just continuing to lay the groundwork for a fact-free nut-based challenge of the 2020 election results if they donā€™t go his way. Itā€™s just a question of how crazy his actions will become and how much his GOP cronies will go along with it. I really think the country will be quite vulnerable in the time between the November election and Jan. 20, 2021 if a Democrat is elected. And I think the Democrats need to save the impeachment card for that period, because thatā€™s the only time I can see Republicans possibly going along with it.