The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Who’s the 5th? Or is he just bad at math? AOC+3 was much catchier, too bad someone else had to join.

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Whose vote is Trump trying to get with this Israel stuff? Moron is just mashing buttons.

Even with all its unfortunate implications about democracy, this tweet seems accurate.

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Evangelicals, at a surface level. That’s a key part of his base. But it’s misleading to think about this as just a pro-Israel thing: demonizing women of color as dangerous un-American Jihadis plays to his entire base.

I don’t think it’s a bad strategy? Winning over “moderates” is clearly a lost cause at this point, his only play is to mash the racism button over and over again and hope his base turns out again. The Squad is a smorgasboard of easy targets for him to fume about on Twitter: assertive young women of color who are Muslim, Hispanic, black, etc.




I know evangelicals like it, but they are so far in the tank that a better strategy would literally be to ignore them until the first week of November 2020. Instead he just keeps pressing A because it’s comfortable for him, but he’s pissing off all the “we’ll give Trump a go” people who just disliked Hillary.

Conservatives are FREAKING OUT over the New York Times’ 1619 Project. This leaves me slightly conflicted because I don’t really want to defend the Times and its terrible coverage of our rising fascism and its op-ed page’s daily atrocities. But then much of the rest of the paper is really good. And the 1619 Project is looking to be excellent. Erick Erickson is going into meltdown mode that is both typical and laughable. And then there is our lovely former Speaker of the House and the worst historian to ever get a Ph.D., that’s the right, it’s the legendary professional defender of Belgian imperialism in the Congo, Newton Gingrich.

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It’s amazing that these guys live in such a sea of propaganda and brainwashing that they think the truth is propaganda (not that I know what 1619 Project is).

1619 project is a journalistic montage devoted to highlighting slavery and its effects on the country, both past and present.

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People keep thinking this assuming that the election won’t be rigged

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Apparently dude on the left walked by Andy Ngo at a protest last year and said, “Death is coming.”

All three are my spirit animals.

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There are a lot of middle to upper middle to wealthy moderates who are Jewish that are in the greater NYC area, i.e. Trump’s old stomping grounds, who vote primarily based on Israel relations (anecdotal source: I know a fair number of these people in my and my wife’s extended family). He’s interacted with these people forever and I assume that’s who he’s always catering to. Their vote isn’t really important or anything, but I guess they give him campaign donations?
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