The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


Sex workers can be gross if you are specifying an individual. It’s like saying a specific accountant is gross, but I agree the generalization of sex workers as a whole as gross is bad form.

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Your math needs to divide by the population of Denmark, not just Greenland.

The chair of the Federal Elections Commission said the agency’s Republican members had shut down an effort to further investigate Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election by funneling money to the National Rifle Association.

Ellen L Weintraub
BREAKING: @FEC’s Republicans block all investigation of & enforcement against Russians Torshin & Butina re the NRA & the 2016 presidential election.

Result: FEC does nothing to find out the truth behind one of the most blockbuster campaign finance allegations in recent memory.

August 16, 2019
McClatchy reported last year that the FBI was investigating whether former Moscow banker Alexander Torshin had used the NRA to illegally influence the campaign as the lobbying group spent a record $30 million supporting Trump’s candidacy.

That report came shortly before gun-rights activist Maria Butina, who spent years cozying up to the NRA, pleaded guilty to being a Russian influence agent. In her plea agreement, she admitted to attempting to “establish unofficial lines of communication with Americans having power and influence over US politics.”

The NRA’s connections to Torshin and Butina have raised questions about the group’s ties to Russia as it simultaneously undergoes major leadership turnover.

I was talking about the non German parts of Europe. The places where it was already incredibly unsafe to be outside after dark for a German in 1944-1945. But I agree about how German support for the Nazi’s had collapsed by the end of the war. I mean how could it not with the sheer number of casualties? Even for a country that has historically had quite a bit of military conflict (and the death and destruction that comes with it) WW2 was the kind of shock to the system that would make absolutely anything unpopular.

If Denmark were actually willing to sell Greenland for 150 billion, that’s a snap accept, Mnuchin is making payment arrangements before Trump even gets off the phone.


I’m so sick of seeing Trump’s camel throat in photos and video.
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Okay, maybe the sentence before the part I quoted confused me, because I am pretty sure that most people in non-German parts of Europe definitely wanted the US troops there. But maybe we should pick this back up if there is a general thread on foreign policy at some point, as the question is not really relevant to the context of this thread.
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What in God’s name is the point of spending trillions and trillions of dolars on the military if we can’t just take Greenland? GTFO with asking nicely if we could purchase it, that is un-American.

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If I were Denmark my starting price would be @ least 6 trillion. I would want to make every citizen a millionaire so I could turn my country into Norway. Upon reflection I would ask for 7 trillion. Every person in Greenland gets 10 million USD to move elsewhere, every Denmark citizen gets like 100k USD in cash, + a sovereign wealth fund that starts as 1 million per person for the pension to match that of Norway.

Well we are currently spending $1 trillion a year of billionaire tax cut money for literally zero benefit, if we’re gonna run up the credit card, may as well purchase assets with residual value.


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Is he trying to say AOC is fuming because Omar and Tlaib are becoming the face of the Democratic party? lol