The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Democratic presidential candidate Steve Bullock trolled Trump over reports that he has inquired about the US purchasing Greenland.

Steve Bullock
After recent reports, a lot of folks have been asking if Greenland is for sale.

Find the answer here:

August 16, 2019
The Montana governor’s tweet links to a website kindly informing visitors that Greenland is not for sale and asking them to donate to his campaign. (Bullock has not yet hit the 130,000 required donors to make the fall debate stage.)

More lawsuits filed against Trump’s ‘public charge rule’

A group of nonprofits and California have separately sued the Trump administration over its proposed rule to penalize green-card applicants who use public benefits.

Nine nonprofits serving immigrant communities ⁠argued in their lawsuit that the “public charge rule” was an unconstitutional effort to discriminate against nonwhite immigrants.

Xavier Becerra(@XavierBecerra)

President Trump’s 800+ page #PublicCharge rule weaponizes healthcare, housing, and nutrition programs. It’s un-American, unlawful, and it will not stand.

August 14, 2019

Xavier Becerra , California’s Democratic attorney general, said the rule “would force working parents and families across the nation to forego basic necessities like food, housing and healthcare out of fear.”

The lawsuits are only the latest challenges to the rule, which was announced on Monday. A group of 13 attorneys general, led by Washington’s Robert Ferguson, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday, and representatives for Santa Clara County and San Francisco are seeking a temporary injunction to block the policy.

That is funny. Got a new guy at work who broke that out along with trump told them to go back to their cities not countries. I said that makes no sense they are already doing what trump told them to do by representing their cities in Congress. And i told him to stop watching O’Reilly and fox its rotting his brain.

That is a problem. The movie idiocracy was more truthful and fortunetelling then i ever knew.

I’d say liberating people from actual genocidal scenarios or the real possibility of it, as in the case with the Kurds, is good enough reason to intervene anywhere. Part of the reason the foreign policy of our country needs to change drastically. We supported Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war when some of that was going on. It’s always been the case in the ME that we just go with whoever is the enemy of our current enemy is good until they do something we don’t like instead of actually trying to figure out who generally wants peace and how to accomplish it.

I’d also say dropping bombs is probably even worse than troops on the ground. The destruction of Raqqa is severely depressing.


This is utter truth. They’re immune from the idea that we can do both, and that the GOP doesn’t give an eff about homeless veterans or poor American citizens.

I tried to get in by comparing asylum to a woman leaving her abusive husband, and Trump saying to go back to the abusive husband, work it out, and do things the right way (save money, etc.), but that didn’t work either. They’re just racist and full of shit about all of this.

This was my foreign policy philosophy:

Topple every dictator or topple none of them. You can’t cherry pick when you’re trying to be ‘WOOP WOOP THE SOUND OF DA POLICE’.

Good idea, if you are a “dictator” then we drop a bomb on you and move on. No troops or anything, simply move on and if a “dictator” fills the void then bomb him too. With this maximum dictator deterrence strategy then there will be no more dictators.

Of course, the problem is if you let the people decide, they might very well choose socialism or dumdumdum, COMMUNISM! And the US prefers dictatorship >>>>>>> socialism/communism. Obviously being a bit glib, but generally this and TAKE THE OIL explains a lot of US foreign policy since WWII.


Denazifying Germany was not successful because people were liberated from the Nazis, but because they were shamed for having supported the Nazis. And we still had a lot of people in positions of power after WWII who had rather questionable pasts.

Bad internal polling in FL or just worried about all the felons voting?

Human history is mostly about wars fought for geopolitical strategy and/or for oil(resources, either to have or to stop someone else having them) and/or to play kingmaker. It’s a smaller world today but human nature hasn’t changed much in the last few thousand years.

Not sure if you’re being facetious or not. Bombing dictators and factions like ISIS is really fucking horrible on civilians populations. There probably isn’t really any great answer humanitarian wise in solving regime change issues though.

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when kobe got caught cheating, he bought his wife an 8-carat ring. trump got caught cheating with gross sex workers, never apologized, and he’s still president. every one of his fans before that revelation still love him just as much.

kobe’s probably like “fuck wtf that ring cost 4 million $, i coulda just said she was lying and that the evidence was all faked by my enemies” and start tweeting that shaq is behind it

Maybe rethink the misogyny and sex work shamming.


I think he was talking more about liberating France et al from the Nazis.

As I understand it the US/UK basically didn’t really try to deNazify because there were too many Nazi party members and Germany couldn’t really have a working government without them.

Shouldn’t Greenlanders at least ask how much?

Seems like a prime opportunity rob a sucker trying to stroke his ego. Did some math, with ~50k Greenlanders they could each ask for ~3 million, bringing the total to 150 billion. I mean that’s obviously a lot and a lot more than the 100 million or so asked for the in the 1940’s, but its obvious from the tax cuts that Trump dgaf about the budget or billion dollar swings and since he has a stranglehold on his party there’s a non-zero chance of a yuge sale actually happening.

Also if you set a large price and Trump says no, you get the benefit of making him look broke :)

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