The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Its so sad this needs to be explained

Generally, yeah, but I’d put the o/u on regular posters around here who didn’t already know that at zero.

The reason why liberating people from the Nazi’s in WW2 went so well is that we were liberating people from the Nazi’s

You do realize to some people in Iraq (especially the Kurds) the Baathist party was essentially the same thing as the Nazis? Kurds fucking got gassed by Saddam’s regime multiple times. Your take seems to not take into account a lot of issues like that and the support by segments of Iraq of US intervention.

I mean we do need to break the chain of what has been US foreign policy, buy you and others idea of isolationism is kinda lol

And yet mysteriously the Kurds still got screwed in the end. Our intervention sure has helped them. You’re pretending like the reason why they got gassed wasn’t because we induced them to rise up against Saddam and then left them holding the bag.

Obviously the Kurds should live in a country called Kurdistan that is currently split between Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. That’s the Turks fault not ours. We are not responsible for fixing every injustice in the world. In fact if there’s one thing I’m close to certain on it’s that we make everything worse when we get involved.

Man i got to not read twitter comments. You libs wont even feed the homeless vets and poor American citizens!!

God damn its all so stupid… its the gop slashing and gutting programs that fund things which help the poor, vets and homeless.

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You’re pretending like the reason why they got gassed wasn’t because we induced them to rise up against Saddam and then left them holding the bag.

Go read the history of the Kurds. The quoted is nonsensical. Fighting between the Kurds and Iraqi govt. goes back far beyond when we started in on Saddam’s regime.

He definitely is playing the “I will be dead when the repercussions come” angle. I am shocked by how short sighted he is playing this but he is privy to information I am not so perhaps he feels it is their best option.

Seems stupid to me though because when regime changes happen here there will be real consequences.

Lol at trump making a deal with the taliban not to support al-qaeda.

Yes but the conflict was escalated by the Kurds thinking that they could count on us during Gulf War I.

Again I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make? That we should have helped the Kurds more? That the war in Iraq was justified because it helped the Kurds?

It’s the same with the squad being obvious horrible racists for their comments but Bill O’Reilly claims nothing Trump has said or done can be deemed racist.
( twitter | raw text )

This is the go-to for a ton of deplorables on anything involving immigration. They are all about taking care of the homeless vets and poor American citizens first. I always try to then shift it into, “We’re trying to do universal healthcare, do you support that?” And of course it’s always “Something, something, socialism.”

Arguing with them becomes so predictable, they’re just playing the same hits over and over again, getting dunked on, and repeating… But they’re too uninformed to realize they’re even being dunked on.

Then they start pulling out the pure propaganda “research” from right wing think tanks, and I hesitate to even call them think tanks. A frequent go to is the Center for Immigration Studies, or CIS. It’s hard to tell which of them actually thinks it’s as non-biased as the name sounds, and how many understand they’re pushing propaganda… But it’s an anti-immigration think tank founded by a white nationalist eugenicist.

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Slartibartfast is the man.

Regarding our foreign policy and when it’s okay to be interventionist, I think the test should be pretty simple. First, we only intervene for two reasons:

  1. Direct threats to US national security, defined as a direct threat to the safety of our citizens.

  2. For moral reasons.

Not for geopolitical strategy, not for oil, not to play kingmaker. And if we’re intervening for reason #2, we should only do so if we’re able to form a strong and broad coalition of NATO and/or UN countries. No unilateral interventionist cowboy shit.

Cut our military budget to like 1.25 times whatever China spends, assuming they’re #2 in defense spending. Of course that’s not politically feasible at all, and I’d be thrilled if we could just freeze defense spending for a couple decades while giving soldiers and civil servants standard cost-of-living raises over that time.

Uh no, it wasn’t escalated in the first Gulf War it was status quo by then. There was genocide against the Kurds in the Iran-Iraq war. And before that there was this.

Kurds led by Mustafa Barzani were engaged in heavy fighting against successive Iraqi regimes from 1960 to 1975. In March 1970, Iraq announced a peace plan providing for Kurdish autonomy. The plan was to be implemented in four years.[187] However, at the same time, the Iraqi regime started an Arabization program in the oil-rich regions of Kirkuk and Khanaqin.[188] The peace agreement did not last long, and in 1974, the Iraqi government began a new offensive against the Kurds. Moreover, in March 1975, Iraq and Iran signed the Algiers Accord, according to which Iran cut supplies to Iraqi Kurds. Iraq started another wave of Arabization by moving Arabs to the oil fields in Kurdistan, particularly those around Kirkuk.[189] Between 1975 and 1978, 200,000 Kurds were deported to other parts of Iraq.[190]

My point is you made statements like people don’t want us over there to intervene, and that’s a not true at all. The Shia’as and Kurds didn’t mind Saddam being deposed. Neither the people who were brutalized or suppressed in Afghanistan by the Taliban regime.

The problem isn’t the US or US led coalitions intervene across the world. The problem is the reasons for it. Like we didn’t go to Iraq to stop Kurds from being killed either time. And the strategy of how to stabilize wherever we have intervened has been absurdly bad.

I just point and laugh that they are posting studies from a known white nationalist.

Yeah so I clearly don’t know the history of the region as well as I thought I did. I’m still very strongly of the opinion that military intervention into other parts of the world is usually super stupid. Perhaps we could have fought a just war vs Saddam by simply backing the Kurds, but I suspect that would have also triggered a war with Syria and Turkey.

I’m sorry I’m just not buying the idea that we have had a single good reason to ever put boots on the ground (or even drop bombs) in the middle east. We’ve done massive amounts of harm and basically no detectable good. Perhaps it’s true that this is because our reasons for involvement were totally corrupt (I can accept that argument actually) but that if anything is a good reason for us to not intervene anywhere. We obviously can’t trust our politicians to use our military for good reasons.

It’s theoretically possible that the US could have gone into Iraq and maybe Syria too, created a partition for the Kurds, supported their defense against the rest of Iraq, Syria and Turkey and left it at that without trying to dictate any particular government either in the Kurdish areas or in the rest of Iraq and Syria, but it’s magical thinking to imagine that the US had the competence to do it, the commitment to stick to that plan and that plan only for years or decades (like we did with Germany and Japan), and that that remotely resembled what the US government considered its interest in the region.

But, maybe not and maybe it wouldn’t have been great. The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria is doing pretty well and is generally trying to be open to Assyrian and Arab minorities (including mandating minimum numbers of positions in elected offices), but it’s not all smooth sailing. Under explicitly Kurdish nationalist government there might be considerably more internal unrest and, if possible, even more problems with Turkey.

Hahaha remember this cuck?