The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Omar responded to Israel’s announcement by stating it was “an affront” for the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to acquiesce to pressure from Trump.

“Trump’s Muslim ban is what Israel is implementing, this time against two duly elected Members of Congress,” she said in a statement. “Denying entry into Israel not only limits our ability to learn from Israelis, but also the Palestinian territories.”

She added: “Sadly, this is not a surprise given the public positions of Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has consistently resisted peace efforts, restricted the freedom of movement of Palestinians, limited public knowledge of the brutal realities of the occupation and aligned himself with Islamophobes like Donald Trump.”

Later Tlaib responded to Israel’s decision to block her trip there, saying it showed “weakness”.

Top Democrats in Washington swiftly condemned Israel’s actions while urging its government to change course.

“Denying entry to members of the United States Congress is a sign of weakness, not strength,” the Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, a staunch supporter of Israel, said in a statement. “It will only hurt the US-Israeli relationship and support for Israel in America.”

“No democratic society should fear an open debate,” he added. “Many strong supporters of Israel will be deeply disappointed in this decision, which the Israeli government should reverse.”

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said she was “deeply saddened”by the news.

“Israel’s denial of entry to Congresswomen Tlaib and Omar is a sign of weakness, and beneath the dignity of the great State of Israel,” Pelosi said in a statement.“I pray that the government of Israel will reverse that denial.”

Thoughts & Prayers

He’ll retweet
He’ll retweet
Yes he’ll retweet her
Butter face

Nah there’s no truth to them being distracted bruh.

FBI has 35,000+ employees. About 40 were dedicated to the Mueller probe, if that.

Maybe this Andrew dude thinks jurisdiction’s like Law & Order, two cops who cover the whole city. Two of the 56 field offices would have probably handled the Nasser and Parkland shooter’s cases. Neither of which were anywhere near the one that was handling the Mueller probe. Sad!

first i thought he was saying “never forgive” the shooter, which fine, it’s anti-christian but who cares, the guy’s a murderous psychopath, i won’t forgive him either. but turns out after reading the post he’s replying to, trump is saying “we will never forgive [the media] or forget [their unfair treatment of me]”
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

the president never said caucasian dominance therefore he isn’t a white supremacist, checkmate libtards.

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Oh yeah. The fact that low and middle-income Americans have to flock to Walmart to get the cheapest shit possible is a great sign of how well the country is doing.

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  • The president has visited his properties 362 times at taxpayer expense during his administration, sometimes visiting multiple properties in a single day. The number of days he’s spent time at a Trump-branded property account for almost a third of the days he’s been president.
  • One-hundred eleven officials from 65 foreign governments have visited a Trump property.
  • CREW has recorded 630 visits to Trump properties from at least 250 Trump administration officials . Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are the most frequent executive branch officials to visit Trump properties, other than the president himself. Jared has made 28 known visits, while Ivanka has made 23.
  • Members of Congress have flocked to President Trump’s properties: 90 members of Congress have made 188 visits to a Trump property .
  • President Trump has used the presidency to provide free publicity for his properties, which he still profits from as president. As president, Trump has tweeted about or mentioned one of his properties on 159 occasions , and White House officials have mentioned a Trump property 65 times, sometimes in the course of their official duties.
  • Political groups have spent $5.9 million at Trump properties since President Trump took office. In more than a decade prior to his run for president, Trump’s businesses never received more than $100,000 from political groups in a single year.
  • Foreign governments and foreign government-linked organizations have hosted 12 events at Trump properties since the president took office. These events have been attended by at least 19 administration officials .

My first unread posts just now were the Ten Commandments “debate” that I ended up scrolling past. After reading the rest of the thread, I find myself wishing the whole unread portion was arguing about Ten Commandments.

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we got him


@beetlejuice this is why I voted to rename him Pig Virus

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These are the idiots we have in the White House:

I think a court might hear it just to laugh at and make fun of the lawyers.

here’s one even older than 2017 and extremely topical today

In September of 2008, as markets tanked on Wall Street, the American financial crisis intensified and global economic panic spread, Donald Trump took to television with a message for the American people, and the message was: I told you so .

“If you remember two years ago when I was on your show,” Trump said to Larry King on CNN, “I predicted near depression.”

“On your show two years ago,” he told Neil Cavuto on Fox News, “I really—I mentioned the word depression then.”

It wasn’t true. In fact, in the years preceding the Great Recession, in interviews with journalists, in promotional materials for his own businesses, and in his customary slew of TV appearances, Trump had said precisely the opposite—telling King, Cavuto and others that “the economy continues to be fairly robust,” “real estate is good all over,” “the real estate market is going to be very strong for a long time to come,” “I’ve been hearing about this bubble for so many years … but I haven’t seen it,” and “this boom is going to continue.”

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Da Pranizent es naver wrang. Hoe dare zoo.



Someone should just hand him a patch of grass and say done.

Tell him it’s not actually Greenland as it’s covered in Ice.

Not any more :frowning_face: