The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Like Trump saying Omar and Tlaib hate all Jews, a stupidly infuriating bald face lie, fills a Ronald Reagan Republican with glee because they think it’s fair turnabout for people calling their side and heros racist “unfairly” over the years in their delusional minds.

You’re right that his base loves his tweets and his attacks on “the Squad” bumped his support among Republicans up but there’s also been pretty consistent polling that he tweets too much and the followup questions in that poll show that in general people think his tweeting does more harm than good:

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Oh, so that’s what a President sounds like? I had almost forgotten.


Dropping this here rather than poor outlet choices since she is more of a tRUmp surrogate than media personality.

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I saw this somewhere else and thought it was fake heh

Worse than fake, it’s old.

The show was pulled on March 17th and came back on March 30th.

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Dammit, thats what I get for not watching Fox.

My bad.

It’s ok. There’s this guy I follow because he’s a bit of a curiosity - low-ish info trump voter converted into FULL BLOWN anti-trump voting D straight across the ballot. He doesn’t really know how to liberal properly though and comes up with some super weird crap.

Anyway, he has a really bad habit of sharing months, or sometimes articles from like 2017, that I think are recent news until i check the date. It’s annoying but also a prescient reminder that so much shit has happened in this presidency, even crazy headlines we have forgotten entirely. It’s just impossible to keep all in your head. It’s death by a thousand cuts.
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Pot: Hello.
Kettle: Hi.

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It is a sign of how low we have fallen as a nation that “rational” and “not compromised by an enemy” are now my only two requirements for the office of the president of the United States. Perhaps years of peace and prosperity have made us forget the terrifying responsibilities that attend the presidency, including the stewardship of enough nuclear weapons to blow the Northern Hemisphere to smithereens.

As long as the Democrats can provide someone who can pass these simple tests, their nominee has my vote.

For sure.

DJT has been on the wrong side of nearly every foreign policy decision he has ever made. He loves Russia, and has been a big softy when it comes to holding them accountable - maybe because his family has close financial ties to their government. Bad for America!

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What about Cocaine Mitch and his Chinafamily?

Pressley is awesome. Her interview on the daily show this week was fantastic.

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