The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

This is a huge part of it. Brand advertising is about making consumers for life and you have a decreasing length of life against an increase in inflexibility in changing behavior. Big brands are about having 25-30 years of desire loyalty.

That being said there is a lot of arbitrariness (is that a word) in how tv ratings have been set up and used. The key demographics have not changed in forever, yet a lot of other things have.

Different niche networks have different targets. CW is targeting like 18-25 year olds (maybe 18-34) meanwhile a male dominated network is looking at males 25-54 etc etc.

There is a lot of value seeking to be had by direct sales related advertisers but tv advertising has gotten exponentially more expensive as audiences have cratered and rates stayed high.



They were all behind Nixon after Watergate, that is, until they weren’t.

I feel like the El Paso shooting was a watershed moment, the time when tRUmp began being called a white nationalist and white supremacist on network news programming. This is the most positive I’ve felt about the political climate since his inauguration.

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More great job news!

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Where’s Waldo? Did we finally win?

O/U on number of applicants has to be single figures. Anyone who gets hired won’t last a week.

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They probably have a new shipment of illegals coming in. The whole reason this happened was a 3.5M sexual harassment settlement that they probably won’t have to pay to deported people.

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That and they were starting to unionize.

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Man this clip gives me a ton of mixed feelings.

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This is really bad. It will almost certainly lead to the extinction of several species.

Why the fuck would they…

Overall, the new rules would very likely clear the way for new mining, oil and gas drilling, and development in areas where protected species live.

… oh yea, duh.


Isn’t it worth driving our national bird to extinction to slightly enrich mining executives?

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I certainly don’t want any species to go extinct, but just imagine the irony of Donald J. Trump, heroic President of the Patriots who know they love this Country so much more than the rest of us, especially us liberal anti Americans, being responsible for killing off the bald eagle.

Of course he’d blame Obama.

Maybe once bald eagles die out Ben Franklin will finally get his wish. It’s the turkey’s time to shine, baby!

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The stupid thing is development and wildlife protection can coexist if done properly. But trump will just open the tap to drill on top of sage grouse leks.