The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

For real though. A lot of this shit he’s doing is literally just to trigger us. It’s not even good business.

All kidding aside the next big revolution is probably going to be in Bio with CRISPR being so new still. We’re reaching a point where heat is the bottleneck for microchips, so Moore’s Law is breaking down. That’s what fueled the last 55 years of rapid technological change. I firmly believe playing with the genes in living things is going to have a similar impact.

This is obv relevant because the first step in that process is finding some gene expression that is interesting, isolating it, and experimenting on it. The raw material for that is the biodiversity in nature. Killing that in exchange for some minor amount of oil/minerals is lolbad economically. IP > minerals in $ terms.

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Sweet revenge.

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Trump speaks with Boris Johnson
Trump spoke once again today with Boris Johnson and told the new British prime minister that he hopes to meet with him personally “in the near future,” according to the White House.

National security adviser John Bolton is also in London to meet with Johnson, among others, making Bolton the most senior Trump official to visit the new prime minister.

Trump was most recently in the United Kingdom in June to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings.


Ffs it’s the word Goddamn thats got them upset… Oh Lordy.

Some of Trump ’s evangelical supporters, a key constituency for the president, were distraught after a recent rally, when he repeatedly used the word “goddamn.”

Oddly, they did not express similar concerns about a racist “Send her back!” chant that broke out about Representative Ilhan Omar during the rally.

Politico reports:

Paul Hardesty didn’t pay much attention to [Trump]’s campaign rally in Greenville, N.C., last month until a third concerned constituent rang his cell phone.

The residents of Hardesty’s district — he’s a Trump-supporting West Virginia state senator — were calling to complain that Trump was ‘using the Lord’s name in vain,’ as Hardesty recounted. …

The issue has recently hit a nerve among those who have become some of the president’s most reliable supporters: white evangelicals — who comprise much of Hardesty’s district. The group was key to Trump’s 2016 win, helping bolster his standing in critical swing states, and Trump likely needs to maintain that support if he wants to win a second term. But some are growing fatigued with the irreverent language that often seeps into Trump’s rallies and official events.

‘I’ve had people come to me and say, ‘You know I voted for [Trump], but if he doesn’t tone down the rhetoric, I might just stay home this time,’’ Hardesty said.

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He curses like a sailor at most of his Two Hours Of Hate appearances. They haven’t noticed til now because they chose not to notice.


Called weeks ago that would be a bigger deal than the racist chants for many of his supporters.

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I mean, he claims to be “born again” but never attends church, can’t name even one bible verse (just read Tebow’s eye black ffs), curses non stop and represents everything evangelical Christians claim to despise…and the majority of them actually think he was sent by god himself to be president.

And bet your ass they will pull that lever in 2020 without hesitation.

Maybe they think he was sent to bring Armageddon.

There’s definitely an antiChrist vibe with him for sure.


Stupid AntiChrist, which is why he wouldn’t be.

This Hong Kong stuff continuously highlights what a stupid fat lazy country we are. Pics are nuts.

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