The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

It’s not that we’re any more or less selfish than other countries… it’s that we haven’t been pushed to the brink yet.

I guarantee you that if we lived in Hong Kong every poster here would be out there with the protestors… because we’re exactly the kind of people the Chinese government would be planning to aggressively repress. That extradition law combined with the facial recognition tech they were rolling out was legitimately super super scary. People are scared for their lives and it justifies mass protests on an epic scale. We just aren’t there yet because we aren’t under that kind of threat.

Exactly. Except for the top 1%, we are all basically the working poor. I mean sure, we can go protest, but bills don’t get paid if we are not working. So yea, you could quit your job and go protest. Meanwhile, your boss will give your job to someone else and when you run out of money, you have no job to pay your bills.

Hong Kong is in the same position afaik which is why they only really do large protests on the weekends.

Should probably be its own thread but what is HK actually protesting? The extradition bill was removed long ago afaik

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I respectfully disagree. Americans, for the most part, are completely self absorbed and don’t know or don’t care how good they really have it comparatively.


I will admit the prospect of Mike Huckabee being completely exposed as a corrupt piece of filth makes me a little tingly.

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And his daughter too please.


I prefer to think that this was in response to the Trump tweet


Sure is quiet. Not even a peep from the bot.