The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

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No, he would have said ā€˜I almost feel like youā€™re getting paid by the DNCā€™ or whatever bullshit he spouted like 3 times before. Heā€™s not storming out of that interview. The other one was in front of Congress so that wouldnā€™t have worked.

Planting the seeds so when she runs for office, she can refer to this as extensive experience rather than extensive corruption.

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Lewandowski did not leave. He also did not win that hearing after the Congressional clowns were done. He was destroyed when questioned by a real lawyer. Lewandowski is also not a part of the administration, and certainly not a cabinet member like the acting DNI.

The acting DNI was getting raked for what he had done prior to testifying, and he was not stomping out of anything.

Maybe they could blindfold the 12 remaining republicans

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Why should we believe anything Flake says?

Edit: my pony took two shots of Kentucky bourbon, then was blindfolded and spun around three times

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I thought about this before but the other way. The left should turn trumps twitter against him with massive counter protest posts of facts and mocking. If you read the comments there are more anti then pro id guess but people should bombard it to the point it drowns out the pro voices and trump completely. If people wont million person march on Washington million person march his twitter.

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Whatā€™s a playbooker?


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Weā€™re an extremely selfish country and most peopleā€™s lives havenā€™t changed at all with Trump as president. Maybe a recession could get people angry enough to organize but Iā€™m not sure that would even do anything.
( twitter | raw text )