The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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LOL I really want to see these letters to Trump. Like do they have hearts on the back of the envelopes and XOXO? Is there freaky NK perfume sprayed on the letters like a love note?

Yo moron. A ā€œnuclear-freeā€ North Korea is still North Korea. Itā€™s not going to become ā€œsuccessfulā€. Nobody. And certainly nobody in North Korea buys into this line of bullshit.

And on this latest round of handouts, they doubled the amount each individual could receive.

I think most of them realize itā€™s not good for them. They believe they are some patriot sacrificing for the greater good. They are willing to sacrifice because for now, they arenā€™t sacrificing, they are being handed a payoff from Trump. They believe the moment the trade war is ā€˜wonā€™ things will immediately go back to the way they were or better. The truth is, it will probably never be the same. China is just trying to limp along until they have South America groomed up to the point that they donā€™t need US ag at all.

The Epstein tweet is gonna be incredible


Iā€™m betting there isnā€™t one.

Fortunately, former Trump family event planner (and current regional director of HUD for NY and NJ) Lynne Patton has already provided her two centsā€¦

Regarding Trumpā€™s response, the terrifying thing to me is the threat of someone as evil as Trump (or even 75% as evil), but competent as a president. Like if he knew how to console and lead this week, hardly anyone in the overall population would pay attention to his anti-immigrant rhetoric.

If he gave a speech Sunday morning, condemned white supremacy, hugged the victims families and didnā€™t give a thumbs up in the pictures, and held off on the rhetoric for 7-10 days, he could be back to calling immigrants Invaders and winking at the White nationalists now with very little blowback.

There are plenty of Republicans out there who understand that, and several of them will run for president in 2024. Itā€™s terrifying.


The slightly competent version of Trump has always been the horror version for sure.

Did you see the recent released tape of Reagan calling Africans monkeys? This shit has a long deep history.

I agree that a competent Trump would be a nightmare, but honestly Iā€™m not sure a ā€œcompetent Trumpā€ is possible. Part of Trumpā€™s draw is the incompetence. Or at least what we would call ā€œincompetenceā€. To his most rabid supporters, the things we see as incompetent are some of his most endearing qualities and make him relatable.

Tom Cotton is someone who I often see described as a ā€œcompetent Trumpā€ contender. I agree he would be a nightmare, but quite different from Trump. He would be worse in a lot of ways, but significantly better in others. Thatā€™s why Iā€™d hesitate to call him a ā€œcompetent Trumpā€.

This is mostly just semantic nittery. Any of the presumptive ā€œcompetent Trumpsā€ are people I wouldnā€™t want anywhere near the presidency. So it doesnā€™t much matter what one chooses to call them.

It is interesting to think about.

Boris Johnson is a good test case as all evidence suggests his ā€œstupidityā€ is pure theatre unlike Trump.

Because crime should stop with arresting people with jobs first. The most likely criminal class are those who have jobs.

I didnā€™t notice that these two posts were replies to different people and therefore LOLā€™d


2020 is huge, but even if heā€™s somehow resoundingly defeated, we are by no means out of the woods. The economy is going to be in shambles from his tax cuts of the ultra wealthy, the trade war with China and the mountains of unsecured corporate debt, not to mention his insistence the Fed lower interest rates while things are booming. The dems will once again inherit an economy that was obliterated by corporate greed and have to put the pieces back together again. Fascist, authoritarian leaders thrive during times of economic downturn. It makes it easier for them to incite their followers by giving them more things to blame on ā€œundesireables.ā€

Thank God itā€™s a bungling moron like trump who appeals to the base nature of society and tends to attract the uneducated dregs of humanity to his cause. Iā€™m terrified of a much more intelligent, polished version representing the same ideology. Someone calculated and strategic rather than the impulsive, knee jerk reactionary type responding to whatever cable news program happens to be airing at the time.

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Trump showed that itā€™s possible for literally anyone to get elected president and the complete utter damage to our democracy that can be done by an otherwise competent fascist. I agree we should get down on our knees to thank our good fortune that Trump is a bumbling idiot

But I still think itā€™s far more important to win the senate. If given the choice between ousting trump and not picking up 4 senate seats, or a 2nd term for Trump while regaining control of the senate, Iā€™d rather have the senate. Without the senate Trump is handcuffed and we add SCOTUS seats, change requirements for presidential candidates (like releasing tax returns), and so much more

In fact, I wonder if it wouldnā€™t be better to have Trump win a 2nd term while gaining control of both the house and senate. Might be the best shot at holding him and his minions accountable followed by impeachment, conviction, and imprisonment of him, Ivanka, Don Jr., and Kushner

No. Begone troll.

No gun control and a 2nd Trump term are good for me. Got it.

Iā€™d be against it, but I sometimes wish we did have some sort of nationalized IQ background check so people like you who are too fucking dumb to vote, canā€™t