The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


I will co-sign this sentiment as soon as you explain:

A) How simple majorities in the House and Senate are going to change laws on big progressive things when Pres Trump still has veto power?

B) Why Dems would want to add SCOTUS seats while Trump is Pres?

C) How simple Democratic Party majorities in the Congress could have any real impact on some of the areas where Trump is currently most unconstrained? Even if Dems control both houses, Trump still gets to play footsie with autocrats internationally, appoint terrible people as “acting” heads of federal agencies, basically unilaterally dictate use of military force, and use the bully pulpit of the Presidency to get news coverage for whatever junk he feels like spewing as he watches the news. None of that fundamentally changes. And you can’t fall back on “but the oversight, tho” because even a majority in the Senate isn’t enough to actually remove someone who gets impeached by the House, so “Congressional Oversight” is still limited.

If you told me Trump was guaranteed a second term, then I’d obviously want the Senate in order to vet judges and other appointees… But, overall, the Presidency is too singularly powerful to let this dude stay in it, even in a slightly more constrained way.

Every day, on nearly every street-corner, a fur-coated gentleman and a soldier would be in hot argument. In the end it always got down to the same practical basis: —

Soldier : You are a capitalist.

Gentleman : You are a rascal.

Soldier : Capitalists are enemies of the people. All must be poor, all must be alike. Where did you get that fur coat?

Gentleman : None of your business.

Soldier : Yes, it is. It is our turn to have the fur coats, and we are going to have them.

Sometimes, on dark nights, the fur coat changed hands; but usually the soldier and gentleman merely parted in hot anger.

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This is why I think Trump is semi-insane and/or semi-dementia. He makes a lot of things harder on himself. Just act normal, don’t go on wierd rants daily, ride a good economy, don’t start wars, etc, and you can still be a terrible president and nominate right wing judges and a terrible cabinet and do horrible policies and even grift for your hotels and golf outings and you’re at 55% approval.

But he’s an insane lag who can’t take advice or change gears.

Apologies for a very sloppy not well thought out post. Of course SCOTUS additions do little good with Trump in office even though Dems would have confirmation power should he happen to pick a liberal (remember Trump is a blob of clay with no real ideology. For all we know, he could turn against the GOP as vehemently as he opposes Dems now. He really has no allegiance or moral compass, but that’s a whole other topic)

My main point was that winning the senate is huge and possibly more important than the presidency (but let’s do both!). At least with control of both chambers we could minimize damages and hold Trump accountable should he win a 2nd term. I should’ve just left it at that

i agree 100% the senate is more important. i think if dems held house+senate they could get trump to sign some pretty good stuff, because trump himself isn’t a republican, he’s using the republicans because right now they’re the ones working to make him look good.

His does have an ideology, fascism.

He will never turn around and start advocating for labor rights or take a stand against management. Full blown authoritarianism is at stake on a global scale, the republican party has sworn it’s allegiance to Moscow in their bid to achieve it.

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At the end of the day, given the Senate map, it’s basically inconceivable that Trump could win re election while Dems win the Senate.

looks like this was taken before Ivanka’s brainwashing was complete.

notice the embroidery on epstein’s jacket. JEB. it’s jeb bush’s personal jacket. jeb bush was governor of florida. he’s clearly involved somehow. lock him up until we figure out what the hell’s going on

That’s photoshopped fyi

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Yes, he lacks a coherent ideology in lots of areas, but that just makes him more susceptible to the ghouls around him. We’ve spent almost 3 years reading stories about how the President gets swayed by the last person who talks to him, or how certain topics don’t get raised in security briefings because they would upset him, and how prominent staffers remove memos from his desk so he doesn’t see them. We’ve seen how he outsources his judges to the Federalist Society, how Steven Miller blows up immigration deals the President publicly expressed approval for just minutes later. He has late night phone chats with Sean Hannity and thinks Janeine Pirro has better insight into the justice department than folks who work there. Those folks aren’t going away, and, if anything, they would build a bigger wall around him in order to keep Chuck and Nancy away.

A Senate victory + Trump reelect isn’t going to induce the Great Pivot or herald the beginning of the long prophesied Infrastructure Week. It’s not happening, so let’s stop trying to preemptively talk ourselves into, “well, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, if” scenarios and try to figure out how to get rid of this clown.

good. i’m glad. this photo is way less creepy without epstein. but still not not creepy.


Dolphins are smarter than trump.
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( twitter | raw text )

95% of Bill Maher’s money? NOOOOOOOO anything but that! With this tweet, the people will rally in support of Bill Maher’s money, by supporting trump!