The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

The irony is that tariffs are a left-wing/union thing historically. Conservatives were almost universally against any form of protectionism pre-Trump.

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As it turns out, conservatives were only actually for tax cuts and corporate welfare for the 1% and white male privilege. The rest is negotiable.

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I’ve seriously never heard a follow up question even ignored on that. Just one person willing to lose their job saying, ‘Are you stupid?’ would be awesome.

If one of those farmers could offer a reasonable answer as to how the trade war will benefit them, we should offer to pay a premium for their soybeans.

When you redirect rivers they don’t just go back when you decide you are done. The best case scenario for those farmers is likely a return to where they started. Yet that becomes less likely every day.

Ironically less farming in this country would be a very good thing. Both from a climate change perspective and it would increase food commodity prices in the longer term in the US if you didn’t have basically unlimited supply like you do now which would curb obesity(Barring an increase in subsidies). Call it the unintended benefit of Trump’s stupidity.

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I agree that they will still vote for Trump. I’m not so sure about the “aren’t feeling any real pain” part.

According to the report, the top 1 percent of bailout recipients received an average of more than $183,000 each while the bottom 80 percent of farmers received less than $5,000 on average.

The vast majority of the dollars flowing to the agriculture industry via the bailouts is likely to go to farms with annual revenues of several million dollars. Most of them are major beneficiaries of federal crop support programs that steer billions in subsidies and low-priced crop insurance — including insurance that already covers some of their losses in the trade war.

The top five recipients reaped between $18.6 million and $23.8 million apiece since 2008. Additionally, subsidies of over $10 million apiece flowed to 18 individual farming entities.

One out of every four dollars in farm subsidies went to someone who received $250,000 or more that year.

The Dept. of Agriculture admitted to $3.7 billion in “improper payments” processed since 2004. Just in the past two years, $650 million in subsidy overpayments were shelled out to farmers. In 2011, the Internal Revenue Service reported that $1.1 billion was paid to 172,801 deceased farmers over a six-year period.

Tito Anchondo, whose brother and sister-in-law were killed in the attack, chose to take his orphaned nephew to meet the president and first lady. The 2-month-old boy suffered two broken fingers, but he survived the shooting after his parents shielded him.

Anchondo told The Washington Post he wanted to take the boy to meet the president and tell him about his family.

“He was just there as a human being, consoling us and giving his condolences,” Anchondo said of Trump.

Anchondo said Trump “wasn’t there to be pushing any kind of political agenda,” calling the meeting “a private conversation between human beings.”

But Anchondo rejected that criticism, telling telling NPR that his family members are Republican conservatives, and his brother “was very supportive of Trump.” Instead, Anchondo said that he wanted to “have a human-to-human talk” with the president, despite none of the eight currently hospitalized victims of the shooting reportedly agreeing to meet with Trump.

“I want to see his reaction in person,” Anchondo told NPR. “I want to see if he’s genuine and see if my political views are right or wrong. And see if he feels maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he’s made. I just want to have a human-to-human talk with him and see how he feels.”

And no word on whether Trump showed them any remorse for statements he’s made. Highly doubtful though…

Trump has NPD. He’s incapable of showing remorse. You have a better chance of seeing a lion help a zebra up that fell while chasing it.


This dude is on the verge of a heart attack

Lol his whole response to this is laughably bad. Happens on a saturday. No press conference and no official word other than some tweets from our orange hero, only a handful of which is about what happened. Nah, gotta finish the golf weekend and traipse around making appearances in your tax payer funded golf club.

Then this shit show by mid week, lol. Say what you will about obama but he wouldve been having a presser within hours of the first shooting.

This asshat is so far from a leader it’s honestly so surreal to me that anyone can see him in that capacity much less revere him.

Does this even hurt his polling? He genuinely came across as someone who could not possibly give less of a shit.
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Welp. I guess you didn’t die of a heart attack overnight. I’ll check in tomorrow you fat fuck.
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