The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

By: Ken KlippensteinAug 8, 2019 comments

Under President Trump, the FBI’s official counterterrorism priorities have included “Black Identity Extremists,” “anti-authority” extremists, and “animal rights/environmental extremists,” according to leaked Bureau documents obtained exclusively by The Young Turks. The documents, many of which are marked “Law Enforcement Sensitive” and “For Official Use Only,” also reference a mysterious plan to mitigate the threat of “Black Identity Extremists” with a program codenamed “IRON FIST” involving the use of undercover agents.

Each fiscal year, the FBI headquarters updates its Consolidated Strategy Guide, which lists the Bureau’s priorities in numerous domains such as counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and cyber crime. When an August 2017 internal FBI report referencing the counterterrorism threat posed by “Black Identity Extremists” was published by Foreign Policy, the FBI became the subject of intense criticism for adopting what critics alleged was a racially loaded term.

Oh Shit… This seems very bad.

Galileo: Whatever!? Oh, is that how it works?

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Kepler laughs at your Galileo reference.

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Gribbs told CNBC in 2018 that his soybean prices dropped by 20% due to the trade war. Last year, his soybeans sold for a local cash price of $10.50 per bushel. Now, his soybeans are selling at $9, right at the cost of production.

“We’ve lost our biggest export market and that was China. And that’s weighing on prices,” the farmer said.

“The geopolitical problems that we have with the Trump tariffs have weighed on market confidence and the market just can’t move.”

Despite the fiscal damage the trade dispute has caused, many farmers appear to still support Trump. According to a recent survey from The Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture, 78% of farmers said in July that they believe the trade war will ultimately benefit U.S. agriculture.

Narrator: He voted for Trump again.


Need a leopard eats faces thread

Reading that article, the only reason he’s not gonna vote for Trump is because he wants to protect his business. Like all conservatives, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass what Trump is doing to other people. But because it’s impacting his bottom line, he wants him out.

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They’re literally all going to vote for him again

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trump is an otherworldly enigma because every photo i see of him, he looks very strange, and maybe it’s the liberal media choosing embarrassing photos from the press pool every day, but then i remember all the video, live video of him and he never looks normal. the most normal i’ve seen him was when he was visiting those mass shooting victims. big smile, thumbs up, he looked extremely normal, but then the surreal aura follows him, he’s normal but he’s surrounded in a completely wrong context for a smile and thumbs up. it’s fuckin strange

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Las Vegas Man Charged With Possession of Illegal Firearms And Destructive Devices
The government alleges that the man promoted white supremacist ideology and made threatening statements
LAS VEGAS, Nev. – A southern Nevada man, who is employed as a security guard, was charged and arraigned in federal court today in connection to bomb making materials found at his Las Vegas home following an FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task Force investigation.

“Threats of violence motivated by hate and intended to intimidate or coerce our faith-based and LGBTQ communities have no place in this Country,” said United States Attorney Nicholas A. Trutanich for the District of Nevada. “Law enforcement in Nevada remains determined to use the full weight of our investigative resources to prevent bias-motivated violence before it happens. I commend our partners who identified the threat and took swift and appropriate action to ensure justice and protect the community.”

“The FBI’s Las Vegas Joint Terrorism Task Force is committed to protecting our community from any threat of domestic terrorism and I could not be more proud of the work they did in this case,” said Special Agent in Charge Aaron C. Rouse of the FBI Las Vegas Division. “As this complaint illustrates, the FBI will always be proactive to combat threats that cross a line from free speech to potential violence.”

Conor Climo, 23, of Las Vegas, Nevada, was charged by a criminal complaint with one count of possession of an unregistered firearm – namely, the component parts of a destructive device. Climo was arrested Thursday morning and made his initial appearance on Friday afternoon before United States Magistrate Judge Nancy J. Koppe.

Why doesn’t one media person say, ‘tariffs are taxes on Americans’?

they have. his response is just, “no they aren’t” and 78% of farmers are like “he was right about the mexicans, he’s probably right about this too”

Trump is handing out enough money that most farmers still aren’t feeling any real pain/consequences. They are going to giddily pull the lever for trump.

I thought you considered following the media a hobby and considered yourself an expert… They say this all the time.

Grover fucking Norquist literally said as much during his last Maher appearance (last one I saw anyway)

He of course will continue to support Trump because he’s a fraud but he’s right about that at least.

I should have been more clear. I mean the people at his pressers when he says this stuff. Pundits say it all the time.

At Trump’s “pressers?”

He just ignores it.