The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I’m not going to quote the accusations here, but there is a credible sexual assault allegation vs Trump by an early teenager.

His name is Steven Miller.

Nah, Miller is the final solution advisor.

Kudlow is the actual guy, and I actually had to read what he told Trump and found this


Eh Kudlow is probably closer to right than 6.2% is. If you believe CCP econ numbers you haven’t been paying much attention China this last decade or so. It’s an open secret that they cook the hell out of them.

EDIT: Please don’t take this as an endorsement of Larry f’ing Kudlow lol.

A new one or the same one related to Epstein that’s been ignored by the media for months and months?

The Epstein one. Which is absolutely enough.

Of course it is, but it’s also absolutely not going to matter. The media has been too scared to even mention it, I would guess about 90% of the country has no clue about it, if not higher.

Yeah the cable news channels love the Trump ratings. They don’t actually want him to lose. They cover him like the WWE covers heels. Talking about how he likes to rape people including kids would do too much damage. They want him alive.

While I agree in part with the sentiment about how they cover him, I think that they’re actually afraid of being sued and having a tough time defending themselves in court… and they know that it’s almost too crazy of an allegation for the average person to find it credible. They’re in this weird spot where it’s so awful, it’s actually harder to report.

And yet the newspapers have covered it more than enough to get sued if that was the real rationale. I think it’s long past time to acknowledge that cable news is still a very profitable business, a business that was pioneered by Fox. CNN and MSNBC are more reality oriented than Fox, but I suspect that’s more because their audience is more in touch with reality than Fox so they can’t be as brazen.

They are all entertainment channels masquerading as news organizations. The actual events of the day are the raw material cut up to produce their reality TV. Reality TV that is targeted at specific slices of the overall population (mostly people aged 45+ who they each target by political leanings).

These people aren’t evil, they’re just Roger Ailes successors and former competitors, and he showed the media corporations what to do and how to do it. If that’s not true please explain the first four nights of Democratic debate.

CNN literally asks candidates who they are going to attack and when so that they can ask questions to set up the drama. This sounds super nefarious until you realize they are just reality TV producers doing what they do, which is generate ratings.

Say what you will about Trump he’s AMAZING for reality TV ratings. Truly top notch.

If any of you have ever watched Bloomberg TV (it’s like watching paint dry) please realize that or PBS is what actual news coverage would look like. Good luck getting anyone to watch that for an hour much less 24 hours. My MIL consumes probably 10-12 hours of CNN a day. She’s just as crazy as any Trump voter and she’s militantly pro Biden.

But the counterpoint to that is that reporting on this would generate massive ratings.

In the short run yes. In the long run you’d kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Trump generates massive ratings every day. And to be super super clear my MIL used to watch crappy daytime soaps before Trump. She used to watch a lot of Tennis. Now it’s just CNN. She’s worth an awful lot of ad impressions.

Right but you’re just assuming that reporting on it would actually get him into any political/legal trouble. He’d yell, “WITCH HUNT! HOAX! FAKE NEWS! SHE’S NOT MY TYPE!” Democrats would demonstrate outrage and call for the legal process to play out. Republicans would say they weren’t going to comment on his tweets. Then nothing would change. But they’d get massive ratings while it ping ponged back and forth.

Maybe. It’s child rape. They’ve barely covered any of his sexual abuse allegations since the pussy tape. A pussy tape that honestly looks more and more like a season finale the further we get away from it. They thought he had no shot so they pulled that out to max ratings at the end. Since then they’ve barely covered anything worse than paying off some porn stars (which makes him seem cool in a heelish kind of way after 20 years of anti-hero centric television programming).

They’ve covered some of the other allegations, but none of it has stuck for more than one news cycle. Pelosi didn’t even swing at the pitch.

The old Dems can’t swing at those kinds of pitches because they have skeletons in their collective closets. It’s not an accident that the first two politicians Epstein named were Democrats. It’s the same reason HRC couldn’t capitalize on it… because her husband is Bill Clinton. A guy who a lot of us -absolutely including me- have experienced a lot of cognitive dissonance for.

I’m done with pretending that the dems are lily white heroes. They’re incompetent assholes who suck only a little bit less badly than the GOP does. That’s why the GOP message that ‘both sides suck’ has worked over and over again my whole life. They both do suck.

It’s like when I was a kid and my slightly younger brother and I both had tons of dirt on each other. Mutual blackmail is the only thing that stopped either of us from ruining the others life. The rules of modern politics are that you can be an outsider or an insider… you can be an outsider and say whatever you want about anyone else, or you can be an insider and get things done. But to be an insider you have to agree to not criticize the other insiders.

That very clearly includes not making too big a deal about really serious potentially career ending allegations. The journalists participate in this because if they don’t they lose access.

EDIT: And it’s not me saying that things work that way. Everything of the insider/outsider bit I said is from a longform interview Warren gave except for the part about the press being willing to overlook an awful lot for access. That’s an incredibly obvious observation that comes from lots and lots of places.


It’s like some people in the GOP are sobering up from the past two years of drunkeness lol

That’s a terrible ad. Way too much air time given to Trump and McConnell to advance their message. I mean, it’s like hysterically bad. Whoever took out that ad is paying for Trump and McConnell’s message to be on the air. :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

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“I am concerned because we hear speeches that resemble those of Hitler in 1934,” he said. “ 'Us first. We … We … ’ These are frightening thoughts.”

As leader of the League party, Salvini, who also serves as interior minister, has hammered home rhetoric that has drawn comparisons to that of President Trump, calling for Italians to put Italy first and launching a crackdown on immigration.

He has banned migrant rescue ships from docking in Italy and shut down a migrant center in Sicily that was once one of the largest in Europe. Earlier this year, Salvini accused the captain of a humanitarian rescue ship carrying migrants of “an act of war” after her ship hit a police boat by the pier.

And on a visit to Washington in June, Salvini said that “Italy wants to be the most solid, effective, coherent and credible partner for the U.S.”

In the interview Friday, Francis called for migrants to be integrated into society and said nationalism is an “attitude of isolation."

Salvini has openly criticized the pope, tweeting in 2016: “The pope says migrants are not a danger. Whatever!”