The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Yeah any city that lets Trump hold a rally without paying in advance deserves to be stiffed. His campaign has the cash on hand. Demanding payment in advance isn’t stifling free speech it’s just basic fiscal sanity. You already know that DJT literally never pays a bill ever… so letting him owe you money is the same as giving him money. City budgets are stretched tight enough without being forced to donate to the Donald Trump campaign.

If he doesn’t pay your police department doesn’t lift a finger to help with security and what happens happens IMO.

Legit thought you were talking about the city in Ukraine for about 5 seconds.

( twitter | raw text )

Also, I know cynicism and negativity is totes the cool thing to be doing in this thread at the moment, but I’d just like to say that, disregarding actions of Congress, every tiny tick up of polling data which shows R voters in support of inquiry, impeachment, or conviction is hugely favorable for the general in 2020. And those numbers do seem to be trending upward.

Voters in that category will never outnumber those in Trump’s hard floor, but there will be a conversion to party flips (almost none) or stay-homes (quite a lot) in Nov. Committing in your mind as pro-impeachment in 2019 is not really something a normal person will backslide on in 12 months.

And yes, for the record, I don’t believe a innocent verdict in the Senate will affect this conversion to any large degree.

A stay-home effect all the way down the ticket is just the Dream.

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There is no such person. You think that the Barr DOJ is going to jail former Trump Administration officials who Trump tells not to testify when they won’t jail current ones?

regarding fines, I believe this is a good tactic but the optics are pretty bad unless you also have a court decision on your side saying executive privilege, etc are invalid

I think sending these obstructed subpoenas to SCOTUS is really, now the right play, and hope to get an quick affirmation of US vs Nixon . First of all I don’t think the partisan 5-4 overturn is even remotely as plausible as some here seem to. Even if that occurs, have you lost anything, impeachment speaking? I mean democracy is finished, entirely, with this situation but it was probably just a corpse anyway.

I know Pelosi will freak out about six months of this in court but the polling so far is working out well.

So you fine them and they don’t pay, then what?

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Good lord I don’t trust the SCOTUS to stand up to Trump.


I was going to post the Daffy Duck gif but then realized that’s your avatar! I only ever noticed the face.

Any credible “and we win” story has to include government officials with guns. They aren’t going to show up. They aren’t going to pay. They aren’t going to stop stealing and doing all the crimes. Come up with a credible sequence of events where guys with guns put people in jail or take their money.

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It’s worked out pretty well for the GOP all these years. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it and I think it’s a good chance as well.

I can tell you that most of the Republicans I still know are horrified and almost certainly won’t turn out in 2018 for Trump. Obviously that’s survivorship bias because I doubt I’d still be on speaking terms with pro Trump Republicans in 2019.

Response from Minneapolis mayor:

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The good thing about fines is that it doesn’t matter whether you want to pay or not, you can get liens placed on their property and make their lives hell until they pay up.

Behind the scenes, the military and intelligence people can’t be like “I wonder if this guy is a Russian asset working on behalf of the Kremlin?” They know he is, and they could straight up end this shit at any time. But instead they’re gonna walk the tightrope with no safety net because the White Power Angel Dust supply is just too fuckin’ good.


I should say, this seems more effective at getting compliance than jailing these people for a few months.

Writ of execution, where the sheriff impounds and sells their property (or attaches bank accounts, etc). Same as any collections case.

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They’ll pay the fines. It’s chump change to most of them. Pompeo is worth 300M or some bullshit like that. Unfortunately it could be 100k a day and they could pay it without blinking through the end of Trumps term.

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Timely polling post.

@boredsocial [ most of the Republicans I still know are horrified and almost certainly won’t turn out in 2018 for Trump. ]

For fucking Christ man, get out there and tell them we’re almost 12 months in the future.