The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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Ah, but that was when Ryan returned the favor and turned down that very offer.

That Trump/Rmoney photo would be iconic if it happened for so many reasons.

Nope. I see it that way too.

The constitution is very clear, clearly tl;dr amirite?

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Ron Johnson is too deplorable. I could handle Susan Collins, but I’d be a little worried about elevating her to a position to run for POTUS as a moderate Republican with a lot of political skill.
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One of the problems here is that the eDems are hesitant to impeach him without going through the entire process and trying to get information in the whistleblower report confirmed. We’re at a serious risk of ending up in sort of an infinite loop of them failing to get that information due to subpoenas being worthless with no enforcement method.

If they just move on impeachment no matter what and add counts of impeachment for each instance of directing obstruction AND impeach/refer everyone for charges who ignores subpoenas, that’s one way to go… Problem is the current DOJ is not going to charge anyone, and if the next one does (if we win) then it’ll look like political retribution.

So your backup plan is hoping 2020 is fair and/or that turnout is able to overcome the voter suppression and potential cheating. Like, ultimately that’s the final fallback plan if all else fails for any of us… but we should be doing everything we can (and by we I mean the Dems) to avoid ending up in a situation where the 2020 election is our last line of defense against a dictatorial president who is above the law.

I’m for using every legal tool at our disposal.
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At this point, there are all deplorables to me and I decline to find a difference between Trump and Collins and Romney and Johnson.


Yet another brilliant strategic maneuver by the eDems. Hey everyone, we’re facing a national security crisis due to presidential conduct unlike any we’ve ever seen, we must impeach because this is an urgent matter. Let’s reconvene in two weeks.


To be clear to everyone, this is nunnehi handwaving away the past in which he’s been repeatedly wrong about things so that he can get us to ignore it and just take his opinion on the current string of events as the only logical conclusion.

Like, I don’t know if you understand this or not, but we’re not convicting ANY of these people without the votes of 20 Republican senators. Okay? 20. Part of this unprecedented situation we’re in is that the GOP is completely and utterly unmoored from facts or logic.

How many bites we get at the apple comes down to the political calculations of one Nancy Pelosi. Her calculations will depend heavily on whether or not the GOP is likely to convict anyone. So, I’ve got news for you, we do not have unlimited bites at the apple here. If they impeach Pence first and he’s not convicted (which he wouldn’t be), it’s a wrap. If, after impeaching Trump, he’s not convicted (probably still the betting favorite here), it’s a wrap.

If Trump is convicted, they might get another bite at the apple, but it’s VERY debatable whether they’d take it… and even if they did, there’s a very open debate over whether the next target should be Barr, Pompeo or Pence. I would argue Barr from a standpoint of justice and safeguarding our democracy, Pompeo from the standpoint of long-term political strategy and Pence from the standpoint of going after the highest ranking official.

That’s a debate for a day that will likely never come.

You say stuff like this a lot, as if you’re the only one tethered to reality. Like, I get it, I agree, it’s absolutely fucking LUDICROUS that all of these people aren’t going to go down. IT’s GODDAMNED LUNACY!!! I get it. I agree. It’s TOTALLY FUCKING BONKERS!!! Yup, I’m with you.

But you keep wanting it to be one way, but it’s the other way. The Republican Party in 2019 is the party of TOTALLY FUCKING BONKERS LUDICROUS GODDAMNED LUNACY!!! It’s who they are. They’re the party that thinks Obama was a Kenyan Muslim, Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a pizza shop, Elizabeth Warren is having an affair with a 25 year old marine, and Q is saving us all from a child sex cabal or something… They don’t believe in climate change (or science in general), they gaslight on healthcare (and everything), and they worship the ground Trump walks on.

So, unfortunately, expecting the party of TOTALLY FUCKING BONKERS LUDICROUS GODDAMNED LUNACY to come to its senses and do the right thing in the name of preserving and protecting our democracy (that they are currently running over haphazardly in the name of raw partisan power) does not make you the sane and logical one. It’s delusional.


God forbid anyone recognize the urgency of moving on this stuff and using a strategy that keeps the attention of the nation on it and continues to apply political pressure on the GOP to do the right thing, rather than giving them a few weeks/months to spin up some nonsense and let old Donny wriggle out of another one.

Two possibilities:

A) They do not care, so they don’t impeach anyway.

B) They care enough to impeach, we have leverage.

If they’re impeaching him, they’re already backed into a corner. They will not have leverage unless Democrats give it to them… which is exactly what I expect the eDems to do. They’d be just dumb (complicit) enough to let the GOP pick a president who can play the role of national healer, then run and win in 2020.

Yeah, the current set of strategists is doing a great fucking job. Wouldn’t want to shake up the coaching staff of the Washington Generals, now would we?

Only deal is this: I’ll do my best to be civil, but I’m not going to ignore wishcasty nonsense that’s way off base with the political reality.

This poor thread :frowning:


This - or get SCOTUS to say that we don’t have the standing to hold you or the standing to demand what we subpoenaed, and you’re also free to go.

Or to word it differently: You’re in timeout until you agree to follow the law like good boys and girls.

This is glorified timeout.

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Okay this is a really important point. I agree. It’s so fucking obvious that they should be charging him based on the Mueller report, but they’re not.

I predicted they wouldn’t, you said it was impossible because of what was in it. They had to! (I’m paraphrasing but I believe that was your general position.) Right? But they didn’t. Why? Because the political reality on the ground is that the eDems are spineless, gutless, complicit and worthless… and the GOP was never going to convict. Despite the fact that it was totally fucking obvious he should have been impeached and removed for that.

Okay, so the key here is that what is obviously the correct remedy in a nation with facts and the rule of law is not obviously what is going to play out in America in 2019. You keep looking at the facts and correctly interpreting them, then looking at the laws and constitution and correctly interpreting them. You then conclude that ABC should happen, but the reality is that the facts don’t matter to 40% of the country, nor do laws or the constitution, and the eDems don’t have the guts to cause a huge confrontation to force them to matter… so far.

Now it looks like things may begin to matter for Trump himself, but that does NOT mean they will automatically matter for everyone… because it’s still an entirely political process.

This is why I’m always “at your throat” as you put it. You’re skipping a step in the analysis, despite analyzing the first couple of steps accurately.


And then the American people, in their infinite wisdom due to paying attention to every step of this saga in great detail say, “Yes, that’s correct. I remember what it said on page 225 of the Mueller Report and how the GOP ignored it, and I recall how most of the GOP defended Trump despite the whistleblower report that I read in full, thus it is my civil duty to vote against Mitt Romney.”

Then Warren wins with 80% of the vote, and we all dance in the streets and sing God Bless America, hand in hand, as tears of joy stream down the faces of Rachel Maddow and Sean Hannity alike, because damn it, they all love America so damn much.

Closing credits. Fade to black.

Nope, it’s basically what’s been happening slowly but surely since the beginning of the Republican National Convention in 2016 when they changed the party platform on providing aid in the form of lethal arms to Ukraine. It’s now rapidly accelerating.

Broadly speaking it pulls the US out of the region and out of the proxy war, thus ceding influence over the region to Russia. Meanwhile, we’re considering fucking over Ukraine as well, which could lead to more Russian aggression.