The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

There’s no way Mitch, etc, will go for this and it’ll thus cause a really bad news cycle for the Dems and make them look bad. The move is to give them a list with at least 4-5 names on it. Maybe more. Every name should either be a boring centrist, an old retired centrist or someone who’s vacated Senate seat could go to the Dems.

Then they have to pick their poison, but they can’t make you look unreasonable to anyone serious because you gave them plenty of “good for the nation” choices who aren’t punitive to them beyond the crisis they’re in due to the demise of Trump/Pence.

If you were looking to inflict maximum partisan pain, you’d insist on a swing state senator who’s not up for re-election until 2024 in the Senate, thus creating a winnable special election.

Problem is, I have no interest in elevating, say, Rick Scott to the presidency to potentially serve for nine years.

Chuck Grassley could be a reasonable choice in that regard. Winnable seat, otherwise up in 2022, and he’s old as hell so there’s no way he could run in 2020. You could go for it with Richard Burr, as well, but he might be a bit of a threat to win in 2020, and he sucks pretty bad. Same with Pat Toomey.

I don’t see anyone who is non-deplorable and a non-threat to then go on to win the presidency in 2020 who would open up a competitive Senate seat.

Collins and Romney would likely end many Trump policies and govern like “normal” establishment Republicans. No overt racism, probably no kids in cages, etc. Johnson is closer to Trump than to them.

Overt racism is easier to fight than covert racism.

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That’s debatable. Johnson would be less overt than Trump, for sure. I’d like to end family separation and get kids out of cages ASAP, and I’m not sure Johnson does that. I’d like to see some of the DOJ policies under Trump that are curbing the civil rights division reversed, and I’m not sure Johnson does that.

And I’m not sure that people notice the difference as long as he’s not spouting off crazy racist bullshit like Trump does.

Just an announcement that I’ve bumped the Ads on Unstuck thread in About Unstuck, hoping for some discussion, leading perhaps to votes and decisions.

(xpost v1.1)

Someone like Johnson makes it easier to portray Republicans as people who can’t be reasoned with. I don’t want them to enable more centrism. I want a more polarized political range.

We all can agree that Ted Cruz will be running for president as an incumbent in 2020.

One good thing about trump is he is dumb and shows the ugly behind the curtain.

Reason 5001 trump is the worst. He runs around mouthing off how he wins negotiations with other countries not aware that these other countries can read and watch him bragging, to their detriment.


LOL yea Trump is the guy that brags he only slow plays pocket aces after he wins a pot with pocket aces. Then he gets angrier and angrier he never wins with pocket aces until a new guy is at the table. Except that new guy has been told by everyone else at the table that Trump only slow plays pocket aces.


I wasn’t confusing cases (but others might have been). How can a genuine criminal investigation (the false representation of the hush payments on accounts) be described as bad faith?

Maybe. This is also something really popular with his base too though, so might just be more meat to reign them in after all this shit going down. From what I’ve seen a lot of them are strongly get out of the middle east after they got embarrassed so badly for strongly following W to the end of that.

Now they claim they were never for that and not W voters, that was a completely different white male crowd in their age group that elected him. And one of their biggest pro-trump talking points is he hasn’t got us into any new wars like Clinton/Establishment would have.

It’s why he tried to pull out a year ago, and the only reason we haven’t gone to war with Iran under Trump.

That said not sure how the more estalishment side of his supporters will feel about this

Can’t really justfy leaving the open skies treaty with this though so who knows.

These people are all clowns. The most powerful nation in history is being undermined by clowns because we let idiots vote, and let their vote count for more.

Honestly sounds like this Syria shit might actually get some of those Trumps bad but dems are worse so I’ll still vote Trump types to stay home in 2020.

They seem absolutely disgusted with us abandoning our allies. Not just on the site I post on but also pro military subreddits that are obviously heavily right leaning.

That said, it really is awful what is happening to these people. I’m not against us leaving Syria in a vacuum. But it needs to be done by an adult who creates alliances and treaties and tries to at least put stuff in place so these people aren’t massacred. This is gonna be really fucked up and gonna lead to a lot more people suffering because of this fucking idiot.

43% strongly support impeachment inquiry, up from 29% on July 1.

While these polls are obviously great news, why aren’t they reflected at all in Trumps approval rating?

His approval actually went up .5% on 538 over the last week.

Is there a significant chunk of people who support the impeachment inquiry and the process but as of right now still support Trump?

Would expect to see a lag, particularly if the 538 is an avg.

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Trump’s numbers are akin to Nixon’s in summer 1974.

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I mean it shouldn’t be. The decision is solid. I was just pointing out that there’s wiggle room because this isn’t the “shall” language for the congressional power to get his tax returns. And i do not have faith in the Supreme Court on this.