The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Shoulders too wide, sleeves too long, lapel too low on the collar, tie too long… skin too orange, hair too wispy, and don’t get me started on those tiny hands

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Since you constantly ignore what I tell you, I’ll just go ahead and lay it out in numbers:

  1. Mueller indicts Trump. He doesn’t give Trump due process, because his jurisdiction is Congress.
  2. Mueller takes the report with indictment to Barr. Barr overrules him. Barr buries the report, and the Special counsel is not allowed to testify about anything the report. Congress had its remedy taken away.
  3. Mueller doesn’t indict, and leaves the ball in Congress’s court (as it should be, as they have the jurisdiction). Barr says nothing to see here folks, but Congress still has a remedy.

I honestly have no idea why you want to remove Congress’s jurisdiction, when it’s so fucking obvious they should be charging him based on what Mueller’s report had in it, and what he said about jurisdiction.

And again, you take everything so personally. You used a completely false equivalence to what I brought up, and expect me to roll over. It’s so much easier for you to ignore me or scroll by, because you’re never going to have a good time in an exchange with me the way you argue.

Pretty much the only nunn take I agree with itt is that your profession mostly sucks (obv there are exceptions). But seriously wtf with these nunn takes that rely on the gop waking up and finding their morals at the last second and the democrats immediately and very graciously helping them out of the lake of fire created by their own cowardly unpatriotic actions?

This country elected trump so this country deserves to finish out his term unless the gop rediscovers their honor. There isn’t going to be justice for any of these assholes until after the 2020 election if ever.

In real life trump will be impeached, not removed, and will go on to lose badly to Warren. At which point the DOJ will go after the Trumpkins like a honey badger looking for frozen bacon. That will be a legal process not a political process and an important opportunity to reclaim a small fraction of our countries lost honor… but in a lot of important ways the damage will already have been done.

Counterpoint (lol):

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A Romney “win” is still a failure for our future. Stop pretending like these guys are on the side of the good. They’re just using mainstream Democrats as useful idiots to regain power and fulfill their own narcissistic fantasies.

I agree lawyers suck. He constantly accuses me of being a bad lawyer when he disagrees with what I post, and was doing so again in the post I responded to.

I do not say that his fucking staggering naïveté and trust in politicians that have nothing but contempt for him make him a bad sound mixer or whatever, because I’m not a douchebag. I also don’t throw a fit and quit the forum (but actually have someone else post my shit for me verbatim while I’m gone by sending it to them by PM, lol) when he acts like an asshole.

For the record I’m not sure you know what jurisdiction means nun. But I’m done engaging on this and may limit myself to OT stuff for a bit. This is just not enjoyable.


I think it’s more like you say to the American people, ‘where were they on the rest of this stuff? Oh yeah, in on it’. They’re only interested in themselves not you. Romney ain’t saving s**t

It is truly amazing to me that Team Lawbro can retain their smug condescension after 3 years of this administration.

Donald Trump has a sub-80 IQ and he is running circles around all these morons with his “and what the fuck are you gonna do about it” strategy. We actually have people in this thread arguing that the law will save us even as the FUCKING ATTORNEY GENERAL is a naked partisan hack, multiple Supreme Court justices are sex criminals and State GOP governments are rigging it all.


Why not Elmo or Big Bird?

Forum hint: Any post with numbered bullet points are probably safe to ignore.

ETA-Also laughed hard at the “Don’t mess with me in an exchange bro I’m hardcore shtick from nun”. We need more of that kind of parody in this forum.

So Trump is just straight up ramming through whatever he can to benefit Russia before his time as POTUS is up? Am I crazy for seeing this that way?


I’m confused about how the Syria thing is supposed to be good for Russia. Their aims and Turkish aims in the region are in opposition.


Wait, how many of us are there?

It weakens the opposition to Assad.

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If you are going to dream about replacing Trump/Pence with another Republican, pick a sitting US Senator whose vacated seat has a good chance of going to a Democrat.

If they do the genocide, they’ll maybe get kicked out of NATO? Should be in the other thread, tho.

All hail President Collins!

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Lol this entire conversation but they had their chance with Ryan as speaker. The lot of them should have been dismissed for not being lawfully elected and Paul could have won the prize based on chain of command.