The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Dude they are all going to prison after 2020. That’s how we handle that. He gets to be president for a few months. Lame duck president at that.

No, just no man.

thread’s current chicken count: about 350
actual hatched chickens: 0


No one is going to prison for the simple fact that if Dems throw Republicans in prison, they will do the same when they win power back.


No one is going to prison and no one is getting removed from office.


I looked this up because I wasn’t sure. Apparently in both the clinton & nixon inquiries the minority party were granted subpoena power.

In both the Nixon and Clinton impeachment inquiry resolutions, the minority party on the investigating committee was granted the power to subpoena — something the minority party does not normally have. Subpoenas were still subject to a vote of the committee, giving the majority party a way to block them.

Obviously the Republicans won’t use it in good faith, but I could see this point sticking in the mind of some of those 15% who kinda support Trump or people who don’t know who to believe and think dems lie just as much.

And honestly it looks like its Pelosi & the establishment protecting Biden & Hunter.

Obviously we know it’s just gonna end with republicans calling a bunch of witnesses and yelling conspiracy theories at people and trying to create spin.

This is accurate.

Nah. Everybody knows that letting what just happened go is a bad idea. The GOP establishment types want to see these guys in jail as badly as the Dems.

What people say in public and what they think privately are different.

They’ll publicly scream but privately do nothing about it. They want the next grifter to think long and hard about hijacking their suckers.

Anyone want to give me odds on “Warren will be the nominee and then she will, in fact, lose to Trump?”

I think you guys are confusing which case Trump lost and then appealed today. It wasn’t the congressional demand. It was a grand jury subpoena from the Manhattan DA’s office. I read the Judge’s decision. I think it’s on solid ground but there is definitely some wiggle room if the SC wants to overturn it. The judge essentially dismissed the case to not trample on the state’s interest in prosecuting it’s criminal laws. There’s an exception in that doctrine if the state is acting in bad faith. They could easily find that the Manhattan DA is acting in “bad faith” and just trying to get his tax returns to damage him politically, not to actually use it for a criminal investigation. That would be bullshit but it’s how a 5-4 Supreme Court could overturn this decision.

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It has always been bullshit.

I have to say this whole Pence derail is something else. How bad do you have to be at politics to not realize that a VP does literally next to nothing. Imagine thinking he matters at all in 99% of real world scenerios.

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I do not think we should “roll over and let democracy die.” But being ok with Congress having the power, by majority vote, to start F****** jailing people summarily, is quite a bridge too far for me. Have you seen what Congress does? It switches parties every 4 years. No thank you.

? Why do you think that a recommendation for criminal charges and congressional impeachment are mutually exclusive things?

Like, the answer to “what then” is the same as the answer to “house impeaches and senate says lol no, what then?” - it is public record that these people are complicit in criminal activity.

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But of course. It’s just nice having a judge issue reasoning saying so.

I need to make sure I understand what you’re saying.

You are saying:

  1. Impeachment should be treated as a political weapon to win the next election.

  2. If it becomes a real option, the Senate should not convict and remove Trump and/or Pence.

  3. Better to let the investigations continue as an election tool.

Is this accurate?

Did you forget to log in to nun’s account?

You have this backward imo. I don’t see much evidence for this theory.

There’s no energy on the right for anything other than the cult of Donald Trump. He’s that uncut, good shit for them. That’s why he can bring in 130 mil in fundraising this quarter, and why he was able drive unprecedented midterm turnout on his side as an incumbent.

Yes, he drives up Dem turnout too, but with the EC and Senate, the Donald Trump model works well and I doubt the GOP would be better served with a generic candidate.

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This is where you lost me. This is totally naive and, frankly, stupid.


Not really. If they’re a problem for our allies, they’re a problem for us. If they’re a problem for global stability, they’re a problem for us.

Nope, because then Trump gets to nominate the new VP. You think he’s going to play ball in picking his own replacement? Hell no. It’ll be Don Junior or Ivanka, or at best a total toadie who will blanket pardon him and his family on Day 1.