The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

So you would prefer Trump to Romney in this exact scenario? Got it.

Boom. Roasted.

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Weā€™ve paid 75% of the price for Trump. At a a minimum we get to run vs him or Pence. We do not allow them to put in anyone else.

So, wait, youā€™re saying you want Trump to stay in until the election after all weā€™ve just witnessed in the last week?

Donā€™t fall for right wing talking points, there was no vote on an inquiry for either previous impeachment. Trump wants one because heā€™s trying to make people question the legitimacy of the current inquiry but a vote isnā€™t needed.

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If we remove him his replacement is pence, and if we remove him itā€™s pelosi. As specified in the constitution. Itā€™s been like this for going on three years. We earned running vs trump by living through this shit. They do not get off the hook.

Definitely no Romney.

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Are you just ignoring everything Iā€™ve written on this? Pence is as guilty as Trump. He needs to be removed first, they need to broker a replacement VP, and then remove Trump. If youā€™re saying that Trump can be removed from office over these offenses, but Pence canā€™t, thatā€™s effing bonkers. Helpful order for you of impeachment: Pence, Pompeo, Barr, Trump

Why are you afraid of Romney over these monsters? He canā€™t win an election for prez. Heā€™s not to be worried about, and youā€¦areā€¦notā€¦gettingā€¦anyoneā€¦youā€¦willā€¦like. Keeping Trump over him is pure insanity. Trump is a monster and if he even makes it to the election, there will be so much cheating you wonā€™t be able to believe your eyes. He needs to go.

Iā€™m saying they donā€™t get to broker shit and any damage trump does is on them. Why are you so desperate to let them out of this corner theyā€™ve painted themselves into?

Trump isnā€™t good at any of this and is just about out of rope. Let him hang and make the Republicans pull the lever to see him drop guaranteeing terrible turnout. Or let Trump finish destroying them from the inside out.

And after they hang Trump you instantly impeach Pence ldo. But not until Trump is done.

Great minds think of the same Dick


It is so unbelievably depressing watching the Hong Kong protests. Shame on us for doing absolutely nothing.


WTF is this madness. Are you secretly an advisor to Pelosi?

Removing 3 implicated cabinet members and the president is letting them out of the corner? Wow. The mindset on this site is so toxic. People are being affected by this on a daily basis, and youā€™re like ā€˜gah no Romneyā€™.

And again, Pelosi will never be president, so there is no world where we can ā€˜getā€™ Trump and then Pence. It has to go Pence/Trump or it will never happen.

Itā€™s almost as if the law-bros and intel-bros should devote their cable tv appearances to informing the public how to resist an autocratic regime, rather than expressing ever increasingly thinner increments of concern.

Our goal here is to hang Trump around the GOPs neck like a burning tire. Impeachment furthers that goal and puts them in an insanely ugly spot. We donā€™t give them the tiniest bit of help with making their predicament any easier.

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If ā€œusā€ includes the NBA and the Houston Rockets, weā€™re doing worse than nothing.

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Toxic is thinking that the GOP deserves any help or will act in good faith. We do this in the most inconvenient way possible for them and go after trump firstā€¦ and probably never get to pence. Heā€™s a much smaller threat than Romney.

And we impeach pence after trump for giggles and force them to acquit or take pelosi. This is about doing max political damage not loljustice.

I was alive and well during Clintonā€™s impeachment. The house 100% voted for an inquiry.

As for Nixon.

Looking up simple historical facts for other people is kinda annoying tbh.


Iā€™ll trade Trump/Pence for Romney in a cocaine heartbeat, hopefully before the entire world burns.

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Pence ran the scheme for Trump. He for fucking sure should be impeached. Stop saying heā€™s acceptable in any way. Heā€™s not a low guy who gets to benefit off the crimes he committed. What kind of message do you think youā€™re sending with this? That is letting them off the hook.

Thatā€™s short term thinking given that the world is already burning. The political war has been on for years and at this point the only thing that matters is finding a way to finish it. The GOP has to be broken totally, and itā€™s time to pay whatever price short of the world actually ending is required.

They survive this and Mark my words the next round will be worse. Climate change is coming and things are going to be really hairy from now on. We canā€™t deal with that with the GOP sabotaging us at every turn. They have to lose here in a structurally crippling way.