The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Perfectly equivalent counselor

if R’s turn on him before the elction, he would 100% run third party with the help of russia. that’s why republicans won’t impeach him, because he’d start his own Gold Party with the help of ultrabillionaires and russia and destroy the republican party lol

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I don’t think the GOP is that good at strategy, but I applaud the interesting and creative nature of it.

Let me lick my finger and see which way the fucking wind is blowing. If those in charge are doing that, fuck 'em.

They need to be articulating with clarity and specificity what it is they believe is best for the country, and hopefully Warren will do that at a grassroots level and without reservation or fear of consequence, while warning the vulnerable to a certain, impending deluge of right-wing propaganda/ misinformation.

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“i’m gonna need you to investigate biden, got it? then we release the military aid, see? quid por quo, that’s what they call it.”


I will say lol at not removing Trump and Pence if we have the chance. Especially if we can broker a Romney administration. Mittens is a terrible candidate for the GOP and I would love to have him opposite any Dem. Can you imagine the republican base turning out for boring ass Mitt after mainlining Trumpisms for 3+ years? Not to mention a lot of Trumpkins will be furious at Mitt and Moscow Mitch for betraying Trump.

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Good luck proving that to the standard Pelosi would require to impeach, let alone to the standard the GOP Senators would require to convict.

Trump’s getting impeached, probably not convicted (but there’s a chance). Pence isn’t “got” yet. Impeaching and removing Trump doesn’t steal the presidency from the GOP, who won the election in 2016. It doesn’t turn it over to Nancy Pelosi, one of the most hated figures for the right, or turn it over to a non-elected compromise POTUS. You want to talk about a smoking gun? They’re going to need more than that to impeach Pence.

Impeachment is a political process, not a legal one.

Yes, I think it’s likely.

SHOULD they skate? Obviously not. Will they? They’re probably favorites. Pompeo is more likely to go down than Pence. I doubt either is impeached, though. They’ll either resign or get a pass from the complicit/incompetent eDems and the “reasonable” GOP.

Imagine the fury on the right if the Dems impeach Trump, he gets convicted (or not) and then they immediately turn around and impeach Pence and/or Pompeo. The GOP would make it look like a circus, and the “responsible” media types would carry water for them. I can just picture Chris Cuomo asking a Dem, “Do you really think this is good for the country, though? Is this going to bring people together?”

The political standard necessary to go down that road is much higher than it is to impeach Trump for the Ukraine scandal.

I more or less agree with this. I wouldn’t adjust the percentages very much, if at all.

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In 2006, the Dallas Mavericks went up two games to none on the Miami Heat. After game two the planned parade route to celebrate their championship was published in the Dallas Morning News.

Dallas went on to lose four games in a row, the championship AND that particular parade.

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BREAKING NEWS: We’ve got a big fucking problem. Film at 11.

Just kidding… We’ve had a big fucking problem for a few years now, I’ve tried to break it to you…

Suggestion: write down whatever you think would be bonkers/unacceptable/a breaking point for your support of or belief in Pelosi, etc. Write it down now. Come back to it every couple of weeks. Maybe eventually you’ll stop bending over backwards to support them.

That’s not the choice. You tell them you won’t confirm Romney and give them a list of Republicans you’ll confirm as POTUS. You don’t let the GOP dictate to you when the reason the new POTUS is needed is because BOTH the people on their ticket last time around committed impeachable offenses.

You tell them that if they don’t like the list, they can acquit Pence and deal with the political fallout and be judged by history.

This is the Republicans’ choice. They can acquit him, give us all another year-plus of chaos and crime, or they can convict. If Trump is removed and Pence is on the hook too, they’ll have to choose between Pence and someone who’s a non-threat in 2020, either due to being boring as hell or promising not to run (and being trustworthy).

And there’s no way, NO fucking way that Pence is getting impeached first.


I think you just introduced him to the politics version of second level thinking.

This is absolutely fucking insane. Like that is seriously the most insane Trump quote I’ve seen.

Trump’s the last guy you impeach. If you impeach him first you have a good change of losing everyone else. The goal is to get Pompeo to resign (he won’t), Barr to resign (he won’t), and Pence to resign (he probably will if it gets too hot). This reasoning is the only reason why I think it would be bad for them to file articles of impeachment on Trump next week, even though he deserves it. I think the investigation will probably go at least a few more weeks to make sure of the full roles of Pompeo, Pence, and Barr.

Pompeo’s toast. It was his responsibility to say something and he didn’t. That should not be our head diplomat. Barr is straight nailed on his world traipsing, plus everything else. Pence has admitted what he was doing, but he’s tried to say he didn’t think it was about Biden (lol). If they avoid the path I’ve mentioned, they could have ‘circus’ problems, which is why it should be taken as long as Trump is not an immediate clear and present danger (I think he is based on his actions of the past few days).

i especially like where the commander in chief of the largest military in human history doesn’t even know what his top general would look like if he met him and had a conversation with him about the needs of the military. maybe it was the top guy? trump felt too awkward to ask, i guess. what a world we’re living in.


LOLnunnehi. Love it when you post opinion as fact, then get all self-righteous about your stated “facts” when people ignore them cause they’re absurd.

Impeachment. Is. A. Political. Process.

Impeachment. Is. A. Political. Process.

Impeachment. Is. A. Political. Process.

Impeachment. Is. A. Political. Process.

Impeachment. Is. A. Political. Process.

Trump is never playing nice in picking his own replacement VP.

Trump is never playing nice in picking his own replacement VP.

Trump is never playing nice in picking his own replacement VP.

Trump is never playing nice in picking his own replacement VP.

Trump is never playing nice in picking his own replacement VP.

No, it’s fucking political reality. It’s very unlikely Pence goes down, and if he does he goes down second.

Like, someone in the late 80’s was saying, “If you think George H.W. Bush isn’t going down for Iran-Contra, you’re fucking bonkers!”

That’s pretty much where you’re at on this. You continue to form opinions based on your interpretation of reality, which is out of touch with political reality. You live in this Aaron Sorkin-esque world where both sides eventually have to do the right thing. Turns out, neither does.

Totally disagree. After a year or so of Romney “healing the nation” by being a bipartisan moderate, acting presidential, not being overtly racist, scaling back some of the worst Trump policies, etc… He trounces the “left wing nutjob socialist” who is trying to “turn us into Venezuela” (whether it’s Warren, Bernie, Biden, Buttigieg, or other).

Nope, but neither are they. They can fuck right off and go down with the ship if they don’t pick someone off a reasonable list full of boring unelectable people who are unlikely to run for re-election.

More breaking news: there will be so much cheating you won’t be able to believe your eyes regardless of who the GOP nominee is.

  1. Impeach Trump.

  2. They convict him (unlikely, but maybe).

  3. Pence is sworn in (if they convicted Trump) and nominates a VP off an acceptable list (if they convicted Trump).

  4. VP confirmed.

  5. Pence resigns/gets impeached.

That is the only way they both get removed. Period. Still think it’s pretty unlikely.

Yep, mostly agree. But eDems suck and you’re putting your faith in them to do the right thing. The GOP sucks even more, and you’re putting your faith in THEM to do the right thing too??? C’mon now, nunnehi.

My bad for just checking the wikis for Johnson and Clinton’s impeachments.

God bless you cuse. Should be sainted for your patience.


Summarily? If that’s what you want to call it when people ignore subpoenas and mock the rule of law, then yeah, summarily.

Got a better way to enforce subpoenas and uphold the rule of law? I’m all ears. Otherwise, it’s just a matter of which road we take - the one that definitely leads to the other side being above the law and doing whatever it wants (including eventually jailing dissidents) or the ones that gives us a chance to preserve our democracy.

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if trump is coming to your town, don’t bring a protest sign, go dressed up as a general and start calling him sir and demanding money because our soldiers don’t have shoes.


What is this shit? If I’m to pay attention to you, it’s almost like we don’t have 229 people on the record in support of something related to impeachment. Why do you keep saying I have a belief in or support of Pelosi? I don’t, and she’s not in charge over this anymore. Get that in your head right now, the members have spoken. They have the votes, and it’s gotten way worse since they got the votes.

LMAO, wow

  1. Who do you think should be on this list of GOP heroes?
  2. This will not happen. We’ll get rid of him if you let us do this is going to be what happens if it does. I’m actually not sure Mitch would allow Romney to be ‘the one’.
  3. These people clearly do not give one flying fuck about history. They only care about their next election/grift.