The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Whatever they were in what led to Ford during Nixon. That’s the president precedent.

Pretty sure the Senate has to confirm the new Veep, though that might not be correct.

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The talk about Russia in all of this is very confused. If there’s one thing out of this that Russia would really want it would be a soured relationship between Turkey and the US. We still have nuclear missiles in Turkey only a few hundred miles from Russia.

My plan for Syria would be to assassinate Assad because fuck that guy, then pull out leaving a power vacuum and let whatever happens happen.

There are none. Only thing resembling that would be the VP resigning, the president nominating a VP and have him confirmed by the Senate, then the president resigning.

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That worked out so well for Libya.


25th Amendment. A replacement veep needs to be confirmed by majorities in both houses.

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I just checked out Libya and saw this

Another thing that is left out of a lot of the situation in Syria and ME in general is the privatization of the military that’s going on in both Russia and the US.

Dude gotta go.

Oh she took a position now? I guess the Dem focus group results are in.

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neocons, neolibs, and PAT ROBERTSON are against this?

Today is the day Trump truly became president.


Thanks for admitting you’re in it for the armageddon potential.

My theory is that the Middle East needs to undergo a process like Europe’s wars of religion to bring Islam into the modern world. This course was prevented by colonialism and now the region needs to catch up.

My long-term goal is the fall of the Saudi royal family.

You should really be paying attention to pyanitski’s posts here.

I agree Warren seems to know how to get things done. The only real issues I really have with her is a). She’s still on Bernie’s right, and b). Her policies tend to be based on a mean, instead of universal plans whereas, Sanders’ is unapologetic about being for universal. That is, taxing the wealthy and cancelling ALL student debt, single payer, etc. Any time you use a system based on means, some people are going to be left out, which leaves the door open for Republicans to say, “See? It’s not working for everyone!”

SS and medicare are two of the most popular and successful systems we have. Universal is the way to go imo. It’s doesn’t exclude and is the same for all. Warren doesn’t seem there yet, although she’s by far my #2 with my 3 not even being close

This sounds exactly correct.

I hesitate to say this but I think the best thing the US might actually be able to accomplish would be to help negotiate a deal for Rojava with Assad, and then stick around to guarantee it for a while. No one will support a UN force and no one else will replace the US. Agree the troops are very small in number and useless militarily, but, against Turkey they’re essentially human shields.

I hope this nonsense is more of your delightful trolling.

Well, I don’t think a UN force could happen because someone on the security council (the US for one) would veto it, but I don’t think it would be shocking if the general assembly approved of it.

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Are you saying that you support the House of Saud?