The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

You miss out on all the Pence stuff last week?

Grunching again by like 500 posts but…

Seriously, jman? WTF? Sorry to see you’re on Team Roll Over and Let Democracy Die.

Like, the GOP might play unfairly next time so we can’t use this power now is absurd thinking. They might just use it anyway. They’re currently laughing at the checks and balances while they make a mockery of the process and flaunt the rule of law.

The answer cannot possibly be to just hope for the best in 2020. C’mon.


Pulling out of Syria seems to be the one thing that pisses of Republicans and Neoliberals alike.

Pulling out without planning or even consulting with the military should piss everyone off…


In nunhei’s defense, he’s assuming Pence gets to pick a VP before getting kicked out.

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They aren’t even going to convict Trump lol. That’s a two outer at best and totally dependent on the GOP base mysteriously caring about the Ukraine call.

If they remove Trump they lose 2020 even worse than they already were going to because it suppresses GOP turnout.

The fucked either way nature of the situation for GOP legislators has me very happy actually.

I misunderstood. I thought he was saying Pence is impeached and removed, Trump installs Mittens, then Trump is impeached.

Apologies, nunn. Quite an uncharitable reading on my part lol

Which, poll-averager Nate Silvers has Trump’s approval rating down to 41.4%. Down from 42.9% a few weeks ago.

Grave concern.


In before Turkey announces the results of its investigation of Joe Biden.


Also probably some strongly worded letters.

Exactly. Trump isn’t going to get removed by the Senate, which is a good thing in a weird way because lord knows we want to run against him in 2020. Hopefully the impeachment fight keeps him from even seriously thinking about the 2020 general election.

I’m quite confident Trump is going to fuck this up in a truly spectacular way, and then refuse to leave office after he loses. Which will also be great because it’ll do further damage to the GOP. His plan to become a dictator will fail miserably because everyone he’d need to stay in power hates him with the intensity of a thousand suns. Can you imagine how much the Secret Service must hate him? It’s gotta be a powerful kind of hate by now.

To be clear he still might get removed, but it depends on the Fox News viewers turning on him. Not looking particularly likely right now.

I mean, the Ukraine call will just be the excuse for it. The actual reason for them cutting ties will be Trump either getting so unhinged that he’s causing irreparable damage to the GOP (I mean he already is imo but something where the boat is really taking on water), or goes rogue with policy stuff and starts talking about rounding up guns or something. Better than a two outer but maybe not by a ton.

Sure further crazy level fuckups are still very possible. That’s where the two outs mostly come from. I’m sure he’s going to keep doing stupid shit actually. One of the very few things I very much am sure of.

I honestly wish that the GOP could just once actually implement their entire agenda. It would be the end of them once and for all.

Pence isn’t picking his own Veep. In the scenario described, the GOP will tell Pence that he will be convicted, and that he needs to resign. The GOP will then float who they would want to replace Trump in a brokered affair (I think the leader for this is Mitt, based on how aggressive Trump has been against him this weekend for pretty much no reason). Then the GOP will get rid of Trump. There is a zero point zero chance of Pelosi ever being president.

Again, if people think Trump’s crimes on that phone call are worthy of articles of impeachment (they are), then anyone who participated in the furthering of the scheme or who covered it up should also be impeached (Pence, Pompeo, Barr). This is easy. He told me to do it is not a defense. If you get rid of all of them, you might be able to sell that to the average Trump supporter. You sure as hell can’t get rid of or only impeach Trump and expect his supporters to think it wasn’t all targeted at just him.

What an insuffereable show that would be

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The “troops” have never been a significant part of our operation in Syria. The troops are the SDF. We drop bombs and shoot long range missiles. This withdrawal doesn’t necessarily impact that. We should stop destroying cities from the air like Raqqa, even if it is in support of the SDF, and remain as peacekeepers. (Should be a UN operation, not US or NATO)

The SDF can handle ISIS, but probably not Turkey.

When Congress went on recess, all we knew about was the whistleblower complaint, the Ukraine call transcript, and the acting DNI not turning over the report on time in a very bad (for him) hearing. They were planning on articles of impeachment by Thanksgiving.

Go back and look at all that happened last week (Pompeo, Pence, plus Barr gallivanting around the world trying to absolve the Russians of 2016 election interference to undermine Mueller and much more) and tell me that this is not going to get to insane levels soon. It’s really already at insane levels, and they won’t be back from recess until next week. The pin has been pulled, the fuse lit, the thread pulled, whatever you want to call it. Things are going to get much worse from here as more and more comes out now that the fear of retaliation is gone for a lot of people.

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I love that episode where Dan from Roseanne becomes Acting President. Really great.


What are the mechanics behind brokering someone outside of the direct path of succession?