The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Yeah the candidates should talk about Trump as little as possible. As always though Warren is putting on a clinic and talking about it exactly as much as she should be.

Warren really is the right person for this job. She’s good at getting stuff done and has the right target in her sights which is corruption.

She’s also going to obliterate Trump in the general. Like absolutely smash him.

The impeachment stuff is mostly (in my opinion) about keeping Trump himself pinned down and focused on stuff that isn’t running vs Warren. I’m downright pleased that he’s shooting at Biden and I’m hoping for maximum damage to his campaign as well.

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Biden is not a Republican. He’s a Democrat, and that’s something we need to deal with. Democrat’s like him are why the GOP are able to be this obviously evil and get away with it. The contrast isn’t close to strong enough.

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I’m 100% on Team Warren at this point for all the reasons you mention BS. I think the casual observer doesn’t know much about her yet (except maybe the Pocahontas stuff) and so her ceiling is immense once she gets more exposure to the masses.

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Yeah she’s a god tier candidate, which is immediately apparent when you watch her talk for any given five minutes. The only other candidate I would be even remotely happy with is Yang. Obviously I vote for any candidate not Trump, but those are the two people I think have the highest chance of actually capitalizing on beating Trump while having the highest possible chance of beating him in a landslide with massive down ballot ramifications.

In the latest episode for The Daily, Julian Barnes, who covers national security reporting for the NYT, says diplomacy often by its nature involves discussions of what each country can do for each other to increase national security.

He went on to compare it to mistaken claims that conflate Biden urging the removal of a corrupt prosecutor with Trump asking a foreign power to help him win reelection.

The difference here, as I understand his argument, is that doing something for the sake of national interests–even if done sincerely–are separate from the actions you take to secure national interests.

Soliticing foreign interference in an election, for example, is a clearly criminal act, even if Trump was doing it with sincere national security interests. He has shown over and over that he believes sincere intent trumps any strategy you use to achieve those interests, even if your strategy is illegal.

Briefly, the argument for conflation reads to me as: Hold on, Biden gets to ask for stuff!!! Why can’t Trump ask for stuff, too?!

In addition, Barnes says that even if the act itself would not otherwise be illegal, it’s fundamentally different to solicit foreign help to further your personal interests over national interests.

That doesn’t hold as much weight for me in discourse with those arguing for Trump, because it’s so easy to at least create the appearance that Biden did have a personal interest.

Even here, the difference is that while Biden might have had a personal interest, it’s easy to show that this was ancillary to his national interests, whereas Trump has struggled mightily to show that he cared about anything other than what actions would personally benefit him.

Not knowing much about this Syria thing I won’t comment except to say that when Lyndsie and Liz Cheney are both catching the vapors from withdrawing it can’t be all bad.

Are you more or less confident of this than your prediction of Trump losing in 2016?

We should just start calling corporate dems DINOs since they’re old and soon they will hopefully be extinct.


With all due respect, I think you are making the consistent error in reasoning in that you consistently feel more comfortable taking the opposite position of your enemies. This seems to me remarkably reactionary and short sighted.

caveat: idk how often you really think like this, I’m mostly remembering you saying something to the effect of maybe holding off an impeachment because if Trump is saying he wants to be impeached, it might be the wrong decision for us to do so

To me, sure, maybe that’s a red flag, but red flags don’t mean something is wrong. Just a signal to take a closer look before proceeding.

Or what, you’ll tweet that you’re “troubled in the extreme” again?

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Joe Biden is right of center


We could keep the outposts we have on the ground in Northern Syria at virtually no cost, doing nothing evil, and serving no other purpose other than making it so Turkey can’t attack because they wouldn’t want to attack US troops. Cheney and Graham are obviously not fully right or for the right reasons, but we should recognize the government in N. Syria and be part of a UN peacekeeping force. That’s not going to happen of course, because, along with Turkey, Russia, Iran and Syria, we’re also the baddies.

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This is how I feel. All the Republicans are freaking out over it so I’m guessing it’s a good thing.

I don’t think I made that point about Trump’s impeachment. I don’t recall Trump ever saying that he wants to be impeached, although it wouldn’t surprise me if he thinks that because I think impeachment could quite possibly help Trump in the long run. At the very least I think that the fallout from impeachment is unpredictable and complex.

Anyway, I don’t do this often, and I said up front I don’t know anything about the Syria situation. But when chickenhawk never-met-a-war-they-don’t-want ghouls like Graham and Cheney are advocating a course of action I think skepticism should be the default position.

Is it so difficult for people to believe that both sides of this ‘debate’ are wrong? I mean, why would Trump or Liz Cheney ever be right?

Trump wants to pull out leaving people to be ethnically cleansed, the Republicans want to continue their forever war. There’s an infinite number of policies the US might pursue, plenty of room for everyone to be a moron in their own style.

Even more generally, should the US be in Syria? No, obviously not. But, given they are there, should they try and ensure their withdrawal doesn’t lead to a bloodbath? Probably.


Pulling out seems fine as a long-term goal, but obviously nothing about how Trump is going about it is going to turn out well.

Maybe I’m lost in the language you use then, but if that’s your stated position, I’ll see it as a misunderstanding and say thanks for clarifying :+1:

I mean maybe? I think that is what Chomsky wants? He’s probably right. But what the hell are we even doing in Syria? Who are we fighting? Why? For how long? What are our war aims? I have no idea. 99.9% of the American population has no idea. Fighting terrorists? Killing ISIS? When do we win? What is the compelling national interest at stake that justifies deploying American soldiers to a war zone? So anyway if Trump wants to appoint Noam to NSA sounds good just to what Chompsky says. In the meantime I’m guessing that pulling our troops out of Syria (and Afghanistan, and wherever the hell else we’re bombing or invading at the moment) is probably a decent second best option, and whatever someone with the last name Cheney wants is probably third.

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Grunching by about 600 posts, but…

Fantasyland 2: Nunnehi’s Return

Is there a non-zero chance Pence gets impeached too? Yes.

Is there a non-zero chance Trump gets convicted? Yes.

But the odds of Trump AND Pence getting both impeached and convicted are extremely low. Like 1% level. This is a political process, not a legal one. You think Pelosi dropped the ball impeaching Trump? Just wait to see how far backwards she’ll bend over to avoid impeaching Pence.

And there’s a 0.0% chance of Nancy Pelosi becoming president. The brokered choice thing is 100% what would happen if there was any chance of both Trump and Pence going down.