The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I’m being realistic. He’s miles away from viable in the polls and a massive chronic fuck up. He barely won in 2016 against HRC and she was a truly trash candidate. 2018 was the appetizer and 2020 will be the main course. He’s very possibly the death of the GOP… if we play our hand right. Or we let them back into the game because we’re complicit and we get to run vs actual Hitler instead of stupid Hitler. The choice is ours.

EDIT: Oh and he’s going to have triggered a recession by the time the election rolls around. Things are looking pretty bleak in the financial markets and top line unemployment is extremely misleading right now. The typical worker has seen things get worse over the last couple of years and they aren’t happy about it.

There’s a reason all these GOP politicians are retiring. It’s not because they are idiots, it’s because the way the wind is blowing is suuuuuper obvious.

So either we run as fast as we can with the wind at our backs or we decide to randomly wait until the conditions are way less favorable. We have to press our advantage right here where we have one.

EDIT: The reason why we’re in this situation at all is that Obama ran on being bipartisan and then tried to actually do that. We let the filibuster live and then we let them obstruct everything we wanted to do for the rest of his term, and as soon as the voters got a chance they hammered us for that. We have to stop being cowards and take some chances. This is as good a spot as we’re going to get. Win or lose this is it.


Perhaps you missed where Russer and Chiner are both upset we are pulling out because they like us bogged down.

The problem with this single issue “easy to understand” narrative is that it plays right into Trump’s hands. The one thing his supporters love about him is that he doesn’t even pretend not to be some moral standard bearer. So if this impeachment is ONLY about his asking foreign powers to dig up dirt on Biden, I think it kills the Dems because Trump easily points to Biden’s corruption, which while legal, is nevertheless a complete abuse of power and office, which is what Trump ran on to expose and get rid of. Never mind that he himself does much worse to the point of it being illegal. At least he’s open about it

I think this impeachment needs to be about everything from his campaign finance violations, to fraudulent charities, to orphaning children, to his dealings with Saudi Arabia, to… and on and on. I think it’s a huge mistake to worry about overwhelming voters by making it simple to understand. Which is why at the same time, we need to call out the corruption of establishment Dems imo


But we are on the verge of making the same mistake if we try to make this impeachment about just asking foreign powers to investigate the corruption of those who are actually CORRUPT. This will be HRC 2.0 all over again

What I think nunnehi needs to understand is that this election can’t be about the lesser of two evils again. That didn’t work in 2016 and it won’t work in 2020. This needs to be about blowing up the Dem establishment party and charging and attacking EVERYONE Rs and Ds alike from their far left flank


That’s what I keep telling the wife

Biden is a republican. He’s not a good candidate for those serious about reform.

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I don’t agree with that honestly. This thing is pretty bad and our supporters already hate him. The impeachment is honestly more of a distraction with a tiny chance of forcing the GOP controlled Senate to fuck Trump over to keep their party long term viable.

No matter who we pick Democratic turnout is going to be bigger than any of us have ever seen. The lines at the polls are going to be many hours long. And people are going to wait as long as it takes. Nobody has ever fired up Democratic voters like the Donald.

Which is why wasting this opportunity is such a big problem. This is a chance to get a lot done in a short period of time and set ourselves up to win again in the next few election cycles. From 1929-1950 the GOP won very few nationwide elections. That’s what we’re shooting for.

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You’re right, but I don’t know a way around it as long as the DNC continues to model their strategy around what the polls suggest the public wants TODAY. The struggle between the democratic and republic side of American politics is maddening and not always easy for me to resolve even philosophically.

Like, I agree with a lot of what you said, but for that to matter, Democrats would need to be willing to move full steam ahead regardless of how the public perceives impeachment. They don’t seem willing to do that.

If the only way to convince them to act is to have public approval, easy-to-understand narratives are the best weapon.

I’m on your side in working to manifest a world where that’s not necessary.

He’ll win 2020 comfortably… and then lose legislators in 2022 after getting nothing of importance done… and then we’ll lose in 2024-2028 to basically Hitler and it’ll be GG for the entire system.

This thing is ending one way or another. We can either get behind that and shape the next political meta or we can let them do it instead. They’ve already started without us with Trump. We’re playing catchup here and picking some shitty centrist is how we turn the ball back over.

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Someone is shook… :roll_eyes:

That’s easy, they just toss this sentence into their opinion:

Our consideration is limited to the present circumstances

Seriously, what the fuck is he even talking about?

Trust me when I tell you they do NOT want to open that can of worms for this.

If the appeal court rules for trump, presumably they refuse to hear the case?

If it gets there, and they rule against trump, what does that mean for Barr and the mueller obstruction allegations?

I think Trump is doing this Syria withdrawal to try to distract from impeachment/whistleblowers. I don’t think the average American person cares about what’s going on in Syria, but the whistleblower story is the number one trender on right now.

I agree with everything you said in your posts above, but I’m not sure I’m understanding you here. “This thing is pretty bad” as opposed to what? Is it worse than him suggesting ICE should commit crimes and he’ll pardon them for it? Is it worse than orphaning and locking up kids? Is it worse than… It goes on and on

What are you trying to say because in your previous posts you were saying we can’t turn a blind eye to Dem corruption and it doesn’t make sense if you’re also saying that running on being the lesser of two evils won’t blow up in our face again

I’m also not so sure about turnout. Here’s the thing… By focusing only on this newest Trumpism crime it looks like we’re neglecting the things people REALLY care about. Things that affect their lives. Higher wages, student loan debt, wealth inequality, racism, and all the rest. By making this JUST about his unprecedented and highly illegal calling on foreign interference in our elections, it loses voters and what they really care about imo. Yeah, I’m sure the average voter would say this latest scandal is wrong, but what they really care about is all the things I listed above. They need to feel like our candidate is going to fight for them and take a sledge hammer to the system to get them to turn out and vote. Rambling on about how unfit this president is won’t be enough imo

Good time to note that Republicans are obviously not staying quiet about most things Trump because they are “scared.”