The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

lol, come on man. It’s just absolutely amazing that you think I’m on the side of the establishment. They have been trying to crush people like me my entire political life. I’m working inside the power of the system we have (even microbet begrudgingly does this). If the Dem party is torn down, who’s going to fill that vacuum? It certainly isn’t going to be the 30 percent of people like me and left of me that might be out there. Trump’s floor of support is 38 percent-ish probably, and that’s plenty to keep the GOP entrenched in power forever.

We will find out that sitting Presidents CAN be indicted fairly early on in President Warren’s term.


I feel like he lives in an alternate universe where Nancy Pelosi wasn’t trading on insider information to make money… and where Hunter Biden in the Ukraine at 50k a month smells fine. And where the reason Trump is bad is because he’s a Republican rather than a narcissistic sociopath… even though he was a Democrat for longer than most of us have been alive.

These two parties are both parasites. The GOP is worse than the Democrats to be sure… but the first party to attack the system for real is going to win the day. Donald Trump could have been a dictator if he’d played his cards right. That’s how weak the system is now.


Well, then you really don’t get me…lol

Agree to disagree. I don’t get that from his posts. Not going to derail the thread to discuss that disagreement, just noting I think your assertions about him are out of line.

Maybe I don’t get him at all. His three paragraphs about how many of the posters here are reformed Republicans annoyed the crap out of me. The presumption that wanting to tear the whole system down is anything but a mainstream opinion in 2019 also annoyed me. It’s massively popular in the bottom 60% (like 80%+ would take any flavor of not this anymore) and somewhat popular among those above that. We elected a black guy president twice and then a reality show contestant.

If we aren’t going to take out the power of the parties now we’ll never do it. This is them at their very weakest.

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This was a 100 percent true statement. And a lot of those people still relentlessly rip on the Dems just like they did when they were on the other side. I mean, this whole community is baked in on ‘GOP bad why even bother commenting about them?’ despite the Dems having no real power.

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Great and unmatched wisdom itt.

So humble

Homerbackingaway .gif

Those are good points, and I can see why you are offended. I don’t think that leads to your other assertions about him.

The GOP is pretty much the party of Mordor at the moment. Obviously they are evil and have completely sold out to not just special interests, but the worst special interests. Gun manufacturers, oil companies, payday lenders, scammers (Trump is literally a career white collar fraud guy and he fits right in), as well as all the worst industries the Dems take money from (mostly in healthcare and finance).

What’s the point of ripping on a group of people who you’re already doing everything in your power to utterly destroy? I’m not even in favor of negotiating with them at this point because they haven’t been willing to negotiate in good faith or compromise since either Newt Gingrich or Tom Delay depending on where you set the date of the beginning of their descent.

The Democrats however are still possible to salvage. But to do that they are going to have to change into something better than they are now. The only reason the GOP is still politically viable is because the Democrats are hot garbage as well. The way to beat the GOP (and beat them badly) is to get the Democrats to stop being incompetent and corrupt.

I think this next cycle is a historic opportunity to reshape the politics of this country. I think many Trump supporters are just normalish white people who see their standard of living eroding and want something done about it. I think they are scared and are being fed a steady diet of propaganda. I think the right message could cut through the noise and get them to vote for Democrats. I think we could win in a landslide the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Reagan was doing it to Democrats.

I HATE the idea of using a centrist message to do that. The last three Democratic centrists who didn’t have Obama’s charisma all lost extremely easy elections vs bad candidates. I don’t think that was an accident. I think the day of the small ball centrist Democrat is done and I want them all primaried ASAP… because the status quo is beyond unsustainable at this point. Something important is going to break any minute now and when it does we won’t be able to fix it. We’ve got a (thank god for this part) complete moron trying to turn our country into a dictatorship right now as we speak. The next right wing populist won’t be a moron. We either win this cycle or there’s a very real chance that all of us are in the first wave of people sent to concentration camps. Hitler didn’t kill the Jews first, he killed his political opponents first. That’s all of us.

I’m totally unwilling to bet my life on Joe fucking Biden, Kamala Harris, or Amy Klobuchar. I don’t care what the polls say. Those polls have only been true because a huge swath of Americans are so disgusted with politicians not representing them that they don’t even bother to vote.


The Dem party DOES need to be torn down and rebuilt from the bottom up. Or demolished altogether in favor of a new party. This was a very unpopular opinion when I first started saying it. Or maybe it was how I was saying it and was misunderstood

The Dems are the most hated party in politics. Republicans hate them and the “true” left hates them. They’re outdated and utterly incompetent. Nobody likes the current Democratic party except establishment centrists. They gotta go

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This is possibly the best news to date. If his taxes become public I think it’s over for him. I’ve been saying that from day 1. The one thing most deplorables hang their hat on is they still think he’s a very stable genius when it comes to money and business. Making his taxes public will do more harm to him than any of his other criminal or even impeachable misdeeds

Here’s how to do what both of you are trying to accomplish:

Infiltrate as someone who can win (if it’s a super blue district, get as left as you can get), and if you win re-election, start pushing left. Reform the party from within. Why do you think the Justice Democrats are inside the party? It’s not because they think they could make a viable third party. We’re crushed by the party of Mordor if you tear the Democratic Party down, sorry.

I am not optimistic about the SCOTUS going along with this.

Agree. This has to be done on local levels. That’s one thing Rs are so good at. They just don’t stop and put every ounce of effort into electing Republicans at even the most minor local districts. So I agree with this. What I disagree with is hand waving over Biden’s, Clinton’s, and the rest of the mainstream Dem corruption or pretending that Biden, mayor Pete, Harris, or Beto is the type of Democrat we need to get back on track. Heck, I’d vote for Yang well before either of those two


Even for scumbag republicans, ignoring the plain language “shall” will require some serious mental gymnastics. I would bet on them backing Daddy tho.

My understanding is that they interpret things like “shall issue” and “shall not be infringed” pretty strictly, so I assume they’ll be consistent in their interpretation and reasoning here.