The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Putin was definitely like “Your military is in such a quagmire in Syria, I would hate it if you withdrew”

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“In my great and unmatched wisdom” fucking lol.


Turkey invaded Syria in August 2016 and I don’t think they’ve ever left.

This fucking guy.


Yeah you’re are right, having a gutless company man is all we can expect.

‘my great and unmatched wisdom’!

When is a horse becoming a senator?


tRUmp also announced US withdrawal at the same time, before being blasted by his own party and changing course.

I think fundamentally it’s a big problem that the US never did really support Rojava. We always explicitly didn’t ally with them in any way other than to fight ISIS and made it quite clear that that was the only reason. They are some kind of anti-capitalist, polyethnic, marxist, anarchist, eco-feminist organization and we can’t even bring ourselves (government and media included) to acknowledge what they are, let alone ally with them. There’s no possible way the US government supports them. (I guess maybe if it’s President Bernie) They should look to Europe.

Imagine if they stood up to him regarding Literally Any Other Issue

I mean that’s what I expected to happen from the moment he was appointed. Not sure why anyone else was surprised. He doesn’t color outside the lines, and never has.

No. My parents are crazy people but that has nothing to do with politics. Liberal anti-war Christians. I doubt my dad ever voted Republican in his life.

You really need to stop licking the boots of establishment Democrats who have been getting paid to lose since forever. It’s more than a little nauseating. What do you even stand for other than that things are fine the way they are and our leaders are decent people trying to do the right thing? Despite every single action they take being blatantly self dealing?

If the GOP members of the Senate don’t like him doing this, they can just, you know, convict when impeachment articles are sent over to them.

Am I wrong that you said you would have voted for certain Republicans before the party went off the rails had they done ‘x’?

I mean if the Republicans magically started doing stuff I could kind of get behind sure? But I’ve never actually voted for a Republican for anything ever. I don’t subscribe to the kind of tribalism that suggests that our side can do no wrong. We’re almost as big of whores as the GOP at this point.

Once you realize that nun’s entire superiority complex comes from that it is a lot easier to understand the rambling posting that always comes with a hint of disdain as he explains the obvious to us. He literally thinks that he is superior to any poster who has been a Democrat a shorter period of time than him and has said so to roughly half the forum at this point.

It also explains why he is always here to defend the establishment Dem line and why he always thinks we are just one more congresscritter deciding to impeach from the dam breaking. While in reality we need a complete overthrow of the Dem party to accomplish literally any of the things the majority of us want to happen.

It’s actually interesting to watch in real time. You have to be pretty detached from reality to think that the current iteration of the Dems is anything but a sham AND think you are superior because you have been a long time supporter of the sham.


Then why were you rubbed wrong about what I said, when you don’t believe it applies to you? If it doesn’t apply to you, it shouldn’t have meant anything to you. I didn’t say all, and I meant it.

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B-b-b-b-but then he might not endorse them in their races, the horror!

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You’ve got this seniority based tribal thing going on and it’s trash dude. I’d LOVE to be a Republican at this point. That would mean they had done a full tear down and rebrand.

People changing their mind about stuff is a major sign of intelligence. You should try it some time.

The libertarians have a few things they are right about sprinkled into the bullshit to lure in new believers. Democrats have quite a few pieces of shit they expect us to swallow to enjoy the good stuff. The proportion is different, but if the ratios changed I’d switch sides in a heart beat like any other sensible person.

Loyalty to a political party of all things… not a good look at all. Loyalty as a virtue is hugely overrated and when given to the wrong thing it almost immediately turns into a vice.

Being loyal to what you were raised with is how people end up Trump supporters on 10/7/2019. Explain to me how you’re any better if you unquestioningly follow the party line? Because you’re lucky enough to have started on the right side? That’s variance not virtue.


I feel like I’m in an alternate universe when you say things like this about nunnehi.