The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I don’t need the most progressive candidate. I just need someone who doesn’t overvalue compromise and civility, as Biden seems to do. I want someone who openly acknowledges the reality that Republicans do not argue in good faith.

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  1. Jesus Christ the “lies from the GWB administration” is such weak sauce. Maybe you believed it because you were a child at the time or something, but adults knew better.

  2. BS. It was popular with Bill Clinton, not both parties. Clinton wanted to privatize social security too.

  3. BS. This is Joe Biden.

  1. Biden in 2006: U.S. Needs Border Fence to Stop 'Tons' of Drugs From Mexico

“Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats—and some of you won’t like it—I voted for 700 miles of fence,” Biden told the group.


The lies were widely known to be lies while they were being told. The case for invading Iraq had been thoroughly debunked before a single vote was cast. To paraphrase Casino, the dem’s who voted for it are either too dumb to hold office or they were in on it.


Another thing about this, is that yeah, MOST Democrats in government have SUCKED ASS since like 1980. There was a lot of consensus around a lot of things with Republicans because THEY ALL SUCKED ASS! Most of the Democrats now still suck ass and are horrible horrible people. Being an iota better than Dick Cheney is not a big accomplishment.

  1. Joe Biden would be a lot better than Donald Trump.

  2. Joe Biden would be a lot better than Mitt Romney.

  3. Joe Biden sucks.

  4. Take this shit to the 2020 thread.


The idea that the worst Democrat is better than the best Republican is not only wrong, it’s also the bad and dangerous kind of thinking that has let Dems be pretty bad for a long time. Same on the Republican side, the partisans think an R is better than a D no matter what and they’ll all vote for Trump whether or not they are never-Trumpers. The Dem they have to stop is always worse for some reason.


cool stuff on MSNBC

This Congress is asserting itself as a co-equal branch of government. Do not trifle with us, you fat, orange disgrace.

micro, you’re off your fuckin’ rocker tonight, bless your heart.


Ex-fucking-zactly. Another guy almost my age who knew better. No adult non-Republican believed that horseshit.

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If true (and I’m not buying it quite yet given I haven’t heard about any arrests), it’s about fucking time.

I’m always off my rocker. I caucus with the Dems because of what we’re up against so I usually try to get along.


Biden is garbage

I’ll still vote for him vs trump

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I would vote for literally anyone vs trump. And at this point I’d vote for any D over any R and that probably won’t be changing. Just to punish them for trump. No other reason necessary.

Wtf is a Dick Ketay?

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Yeah. The plan, as I see it, is for Warren to get the nomination, and for her to forge ahead against all the predictable opposition and language. Hope she wins. If not, we have to start primary’ing like the Repubs do. Conservatism Lite aint gonna cut it no mo. micro’s right, the Dems haven’t done shit 'cept stand by and watch Unions get destroyed(and have what otherwise would’ve been the brotherhood/sisterhood’s wealth funneled to the 1%) since the 80s.


Liz seems to be acceptable to everyone in this forum.

Not that my vote in the general matters even a tiny little bit, but yeah, I’ll vote for the scumbag POS Biden if he’s running against Trump.

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Those Fox quotes are just ridiculous. I’m looking forward to the video montage of every stupid acolyte who trotted out garbage lie after garbage lie. Assuming anything matters! Could just as easily be reading those same quotes in an entirely different context in the history books of the United States of Rump, in which Americans determine the Founders meant for us to have a monarchy all along.

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