The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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People seriously think the gov’t should be run like the Florida Marlins? Are you ****ing kidding me?

Hannity pretty much off the rails. Don’t watch it often, but he seems to be more unhinged than usual. Even gave the old "No quid pro quo!’ Now he has McCarthy on complaining about house procedures and the whistle blower meeting with Schiff’s staff.

I find it both unsurprising and hilarious that Trump couldn’t even file an honest tax return while blatantly grifting hundreds of millions of dollars out of being president.

“Did you take cash to soft peddle a middle eastern dictator’s murder of an American journalist? If so, file form 9947.”


Saw an article on daily beast and times on Twitter where they are saying a 2nd intelligence operative is considering whistleblowing and testifying to congress?

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Hannity all in on “it’s boomeranging”–impeachment really going to hurt the Dems.

“If you call you’re really going to regret it,” says guy with 9 high.

Also, Hannity hawking the books of his guests like an infomercial. The grift is strong.

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Even the second time he tweeted this his dumb ass can’t use the right you’re.

Yes, someone who supposedly has more direct knowledge than the original whistleblower, who was also used to help corroborate the first whistleblower according to Maddow just now

Are you guys F******* high? Any dem is better than any repub for judicial appointments alone.


Guys, you know what’s really bad and should be taken super seriously? A politician lying.


Micro has drunk a bit too much of the lefty koolaid. Biden would be completely solid as the nominee and probably more liberal than Obama because he knows where the party is at.


Lurker popping out of the woodwork to express gratitude for the input of this community.



Making a fake tax form like this would be pretty awesome.

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I’m sorry, but the Biden hate in this forum is ridiculous. If this forum is representative of a large segment of the democratic voting populace then waadf because there’s no democratic candidate who’s ever going to please enough of the democrats to be bothered to go vote and campaign and volunteer and beat trump, whereas the deplorables have figured out that it doesn’t matter who they support so long as that person is willing to put minorities in their place. I support Biden, now more than ever because **** Trump for trying to collude with foreign governments to take him down. But if Warren is the nominee you can be damned sure I’m supporting her. The inverse needs to be true as well. Biden is fine, everyone needs to calm down.


Yeah, the wars in the Middle East and mass incarceration are just lefty koolaid.

Also, Gramm-Leach-Blilely, gutting welfare, the author of parts of the 100 to 1 sentencing disparity on crack, introduced Counterterrorism act of 1995 which ended up being a lot of the Patriot Act, 2006 border fence…Dude sucks balls and that’s without personal stuff like barely knowing where he is anymore and compulsively smelling every woman’s hair.


I just feel like we should try quite hard to have a non senile president. You know one where it doesn’t seem like they’re panicking when they’re getting towards the end of a mid length sentence. Just for like 1 or 2 terms maybe.


Boomerrang! (Fucking boomers.)

I mean yeah Biden is a million times better than Romney or any Republican.

But he’s also nowhere near solid or fine either.

  1. The vote to invade Iraq was based on lies from the GWB administration;
  2. Reforming welfare at the time was popular amongst both parties. Times have changed and our leaders have changed with them;
  3. The crime bill was supported by a majority of the freaking Congressional Black Caucus. Again, times have changed, views have changed, and society has evolved.
  4. Citation needed.