The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Just to add a little perspective to the media coverage:

Rachel and Lawrence’s numbers are way up from their traditional averages. Last night, Rachel had nearly 3.9 million viewers (interviewed HRC for the last half of her show). Lawrence had 3 million viewers.

For context, Rachel had 2.632 million viewers on September 11. Lawrence had 2.166 million viewers. These are slightly higher than their usual ratings, but not by much. After the Mueller report dropped, she lost about 300k viewers from her averages. Post Mueller report, Hannity and Carlson went way up in ratings. Their averages were about 3.1 million to 3.3 million a night prior to the Mueller report drop, and on many nights Hannity has gotten up to 4.2 million viewers since, depending on the news of the day.

Well, here we are in indefensible land, and Rachel and Lawrence (the two people covering this best) are way up in ratings. Hannity is seemingly starting to lose viewers based on the last week. He had 4 million last Thursday (acting DNI testimony), 3.6 Monday, 3.5 Tuesday, and 3.869 yesterday as it was a big news day (this sort of day would typically bring him about 4.2 million). It seems like he’s lost about 400k viewers from his peak post Mueller as the events become much harder to spin.

In a fun trivia fact, Hannity and Rachel had the exact same number of viewers reported last night. Is this the convergence?

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Those editors are only equaled by the trailer editors for crappy movies who can squeeze entirely different dialogue into a few frames so that it looks like the character at some point in the movie says something cool. Watch the movie (though) and that dialogue is in an entirely different scene, or was recorded just for the trailer and isn’t anywhere in the movie.

The “this” was referring to people dying.

The movie Major League had a famous deleted line used in the trailer. It was about a home run, but I can’t remember the reference anymore.

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There’s no making them own it. Maybe if a Dem wins, we can try.

She’s funny

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I’m pretty sure WAAF is “we’re all already fucked” and the already is important.

Jean-Michel Basquiat

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And her profile is accurate.

See i know even less than i thought.

All kidding aside we aren’t drawing dead here. The lights ARE on and Trump really is in big trouble… and he’s putting the GOP in a very bad spot. We really might elect Warren in 2020 with a Senate majority and a majority in the house. Anti corruption stuff and electoral reform might really get done.

It might even be the favorite right this second. Remember that historically things stay the same for long periods of time and then change very quickly. We’re living in exciting times for sure.

Weirdly we might have Putin and Trump to thank for all this. If HRC had won the system would have just kept chugging along for four more years. Trump for better or worse is doing exactly what his supporters wanted to do and breaking shit. It’s going to be hard for the establishment to pretend like everything is fine going forward.

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Please step back and realize that the dozens of responses on here today about ‘what’s going on’ are on the day after it was found out that the Vice President is implicated in multiple impeachable offenses that could lead to his conviction in the Senate. When you realize that’s not the inflection point of when to start thinking the sky is falling, you will be better off. It’s also reported today that the IRS whistleblower says they were apparently trying to do something shady over Pence’s audit as well as Trump’s.

Let this develop. It’s not going to get better for them, and they’re certainly not going to be able to erase the impeachable offenses by having surrogate morons scream into the derposphere for help while completely ignoring the actual crimes that occurred. No one is defending this phone call, no one. They’re just trying to whatabout you and make you look in a different direction. This story is way too big to go away, and…we…are…just…getting…warmed…up…

We’re at the point in the scandal where investigative reporters earn their money. This is the story of a lifetime for most of them. Things can always fall apart, but we’re nowhere near that potentiality right now.


Re: The Villages

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Comparing Trump to Nixon is really unfair to Nixon. Not saying that to be funny, it legitimately is.

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