The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Idk if it’s just me but my “news sources” (heavy quotes, mostly Twitter feed) aren’t nearly as WAAF as ITT right now.

Who is just handing this information out like candy?

That will never not be amazing. The one for Mary Poppins is excellent, too. For a long time, I was going to recut a bunch of Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder footage into a rated R trailer for a grindhouse version of Superman (1978). But it went the way most grand plans for hobbies go.

I wish someone would make a trailer for a Trump movie. You could easily make one for any genre, though I’d urge any attempt to spare us from romantic comedy.

So apparently trump told Xi he would keep a low profile on Hong Kong protests while he asked for Biden to be investigated.

Good lord. This is not getting better for Trump. I take back what I said about the Dems needing to move fast. Soft playing the Hong Kong thing for Biden dirt is… wow.

Can someone give me a quick civics lesson? Why must we be a two party system again? I didn’t pay attention in history class. I know there used to be a party called the Whigs or something. Some people still call themselves independents, but I’m told an independent can never win

Whether it’s official or not, there are basically 3 parties now. There are those who feel as you just stated (and I couldn’t have said it better myself), the centrist Dems, who are just to the left of the evil GOP, and the evil GOP. I mean who likes the fucking run of the mill Democrats? The Republicans don’t and the progressives don’t.

Again, I get back to Sanders. He is so far away from both the Republican AND the centrist Democratic parties he may as well belong to a 3rd party. It’s why MSM covers him so negatively. He doesn’t tow the centrist Democratic line. And that’s exactly what we need and what we want! And it’s why a Warren candidacy concerns me so much. She is too close to being identified as just another Democrat that everybody hates

He’s too fucking stupid and/or impulsive to know that what he’s saying is illegal and impeachable. The question is, will enough Americans care?

Impeachment polls suggest they do.

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House leader republican demanding due process when the accused straight up admits it. You guys are good at aggravating bullshit I’ll give you that.

at this point both campaign slogans should be Fuck You Trump 2020.

Yeah I’m cautiously updating my happening status to “it’s”.

Apparently he also mentioned Warren to Xi as well, proving it’s about campaign dirt, not about Biden and his son. As if we didn’t already know that.

I mean the Ukraine president releasing a statement that he is committed to investigating Biden for corruption is of HUGE campaign value. It’s like Comey announcing there may be more emails a few weeks before the election.

So China wants Trump gone right? They should release that audio.

Or use it to force Trump to massively scale back the tariffs

Is there any reason they wouldn’t? Like yeah Trump will throw a hissy fit but they can take any short term nonsense he throws at them and I’m pretty sure even the senate would prevent him from doing anything too insane to China…

Welcome to what kompromat is. This is why you don’t do stuff like this. It puts you in a bad bargaining position when it can be used against you. This is why it’s impeachable, as you’re selling out the country’s interest in pursuit of your own.

Very careful wording in the reports of the Xi call. “Raised the political prospects” of Biden and Warren is a bit vague. Makes it seem like the transcript wouldn’t be as plainly incriminating.

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Forgot rick perry was a thing.

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Rick Perry stepping down. People are dumping Trump while they can.

I know. I’m trying to think of scenarios where this is true and China doesn’t do something big