The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

In an election they should have lost 5 or more

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They won 22/33 senate races and gained 41 house seats. Also the increases in voter turnout were more pronounced in the younger age groups than the olds. Look I am probably one of the biggest pessimists here but there is some reason to think a big win for the Dems in 2020 is possible.

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His arteries can not clog fast enough.

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OK, I give up. What does WAAF stand for?

The bedwetters are out in force today.


Not sure if serious but it stands for we are all fucked.

By the way I will thank Mr Kasparov for putting together what I have been trying to say the last couple days.


You’re a lawyer (I think you’re now a defense guy based on how you write), so you tell me what you think of this.

The Ukranian president brought up Rudy Giuliani’s name first in the conversation. He could not know what Giuliani is doing unless there had been an off the record agreement/conversation prior to the phone call regarding his role. That means it’s absolutely implied that the Ukranian president knows where this conversation is going. That’s implied quid pro quo, and that is a crime. This is ridiculously easy to prove, and no matter how many times you pound that it really isn’t, you’re wrong.

And yeah, I’m going to keep pounding you on pushing right wing talking points every single time you run with their narrative (by the way, the Biden thing is a conspiracy theory, and you should be doubly certain of that when Chuck Toad is saying that). I don’t care where you get your news, but that is absolutely their talking points. You are not good at recognizing this or willfully ignore what it is because you like how it sounds or something. So, stop parroting their points and I’ll stop saying it. I’m not going to stop speaking the truth about what you’re saying because you don’t like it. It’s not a personal attack, it’s an assessment.

The president, VP, SOS, and Attorney General are implicated in a lot of impeachable crimes related to this single phone call, and you’re saying, ‘but what if there is something to this whole Biden thing’. One of Trump’s big former advisers said he repeatedly told Trump there is nothing there on the Biden thing, but he wouldn’t listen. Step back, and think about who wants you to say ‘we should really be talking about Biden’. Trump is the president right fucking now, and he is a massive national security threat, as are the other three I mentioned. Keep your eye on the ball. Ignore the noise.

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Very serious. I have great google skills and couldn’t find it. It’s not even on Urban Dictionary. I’m thinking this place could use a wiki post explaining acronyms and references. Especially if this place grows beyond a bunch of exiles, new posters might benefit from some explanation of in-jokes and references to things that happened on 2p2.

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Ahh, if you didn’t have a ton of 22 exposure then I totally get it. I assumed based on your username you did because wasn’t there a BruceZ on 22? That or I am losing it which is also possible.

I grrgree. I think a wiki post with explanations for acronyms or other slang would be useful.

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you’re remembering it wrong, it was BerenstainZ



I mean I counted 6 articles of impeachment related to the call the other day, and probably two or three of them were added since last week. They could have filed articles of impeachment on the call last week, but they’re at least doing a little due diligence first. The idea from the WB complaint is that people are watching, so he’s not getting away with anything major yet. They’d probably stop anything from happening, and we’d never know about any of that anyway. This can probably wait a couple of weeks, but I think it’s bonkers to wait until Thanksgiving. That’s 2 months, pure insanity based on what the news cycle of the last week has been.

None of the other investigations should stop because of this impeachment related to the call. As Nancy so accidentally stated, this is narrow and unrelated to everything else. Let’s give her impeachment 1, and then the others can continue on if the senators are too big of cowards to do anything on their slam dunk. Yesterday was by far the biggest news day in this, and Tuesday was the biggest day before that. Fridays have been lit almost every Friday for months, and one of the people implicated is being deposed today.

A lot of pessimism from the WAAF crowd. Trump and Pence are literally throwing each other under the bus. Trump just said basically an hour ago that China should investigate Biden. You can’t just jump up and say “Get him out now!” every 5 minutes. It doesn’t work that way. Watergate took 2 years. This shit isn’t going to happen in a week or 2. It’s just not. Besides, didn’t they give the WH to comply with some documents or whatever? People are on recess for 2 weeks and coming back soon.

Yea, Pelosi sucks. But you know who sucks even more? The guy in office. Every week he does something even more crazy than the previous week. The toothpaste is already out of the tube. Pelosi can try to put it back in but the problem is Trump is opening 5 tubes a day.

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If they can’t hit the slam dunk what makes you think they can make a competent case on more complicated offenses?