The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

No idea how hard it is to live there long term but Portugal would be my choice if possible. Good cost of living and one of the favorite places I have visited over the years. My wife and I are seriously talking about leaving as well. If Trump wins again that pretty much becomes a reality. No reason to stick around through what is going to be a very dark period here.

I still don’t think Trump wins 2020. So I have some optimism.

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News is dropping so fast it’s insanely hard to keep up.


Nah, “naive” is no longer the most likely explanation.


china, if you’re listening… i’ve been told that 6 years ago there may have been an unethical business relationship in your country. i thought you should know, because you guys are notorious for highly ethical business practices and are definitely serious about ending corruption, especially politically-linked corruption. and again, congratulations on the 70th anniversary of your wonderful communist party, guys, i mean it.


The problem isn’t the Democratic party. They’re putting forth the exact amount of political pressure and legislative action that’s being demanded of them. The problem is us, and it always has been.

And for yet another regularly scheduled, friendly reminder about emigrating: If you don’t have citizenship in another country then you can’t leave the US in any meaningful way, and getting citizenship is much more difficult than many people seem to appreciate.


I am aware of what is happening. Thanks for the bulleted list though.

My point is that when I turn on the Sunday shows, not only do I hear administration officials continuing to be crazy, but I also hear Chuck Todd aggressively talking about how the Biden thing is a conspiracy theory. When I turn on MSNBC I hear the same thing. In a month when there are inevitably a trickle of news stories about how actually there were some additional slimy details about the Biden thing that’s going to call into question the entire narrative for a lot of people.

The messaging on this thing is difficult, like I said it would be from the beginning, and currently nobody is doing a good job with it.

The quid pro quo is there, but it takes a couple of leaps to get to it. To most people hearing “I would like for you to do me a favor though” does not reek of a presidential abuse of authority. I’m sorry, it just doesn’t. The fact that he is openly doing the same thing multiple times per day now with no reaction from Congress or the FBI or whatever is going to continue to confuse the issue of whether that’s even a big deal.

Like the fact that you constantly accuse me of parroting right wing talking points is getting really old, and it’s fucking rich that you continue slinging attacks like that after throwing a tantrum and quitting the forum when you were called out for literally lying about what some people said on MSNBC. Thinking that most Americans are stupid and will not care about this is not a right wing position, it’s just a different position than what you have.



Don’t worry. None of it matters.


So it’s like twice as bad as the already horrific day to day tick tock of the Trump presidency?

It only matters if the Dems play their hand correctly at some point.

They should immediately set a date to impeach him for the Ukraine call, for trying to hide it, and for any obstruction that takes place. They should announce that it’s so glaringly obvious that they’re holding the vote in ~10 days, and then schedule any/all hearings they want in between now and then as a formality. Announce that if people ignore subpoenas or lie, they’ll also be impeached for obstruction and/or held in inherent contempt. Also announce that all of the other investigations will continue, including any tangential to this… But that this one is so obvious there’s no point in waiting.

The political win here is in forcing ~5 vulnerable Republican senators onto the record and doing the right thing. Anything else is gravy. Wait too long and you let Team Trump muddy the waters in the media, which is his best skill set.

Sure, we’ll all see through it, but we don’t matter. Going slowly here is a huge mistake. Trump is elite at sowing confusion and manipulating the media. Giving him time to do that is an unforced error.


And this is helping Trump in a way.

Quincy Maddox was correct in the past, and will continue to be correct going forward.

Portugal is a good choice. Probably #2 on our list. Panama is up there as well.

I don’t think Trump wins 2020 without significant vote hacking and fraud. Anecdotally, my college students’ 2018 voter participation was double that of the 2014 midterms. Young people are genuinely energized right now, and I’m hopeful that current polls of “likely voters” are underestimating the potential effects of this.

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I mean that is the argument for Boredsocial’s case and I think there is some merit to it. If there is going to be a landslide it will come from the 18-39 segment who normally votes at about a 25% clip voting at closer to a 40-50% rate in the 2020 election.

I do think people under 40 are getting more engaged in politics and more concerned about the future due to things like student loans, climate change, etc that directly impact them. At least I hope so.

Yeah there is not anything else to investigate. Trump turned over the key piece of evidence. They can vote on it today. But I am fine with a window and then calling witnesses and charging anyone who fails to appear with obstruction.

We can’t have a Ukraine phone call specific impeachment inquiry that lasts months. Would be a complete disaster. They either need to move rapidly on it or expand the scope dramatically. I am for the former right now. But if they have arse it , it will blow up in their face.

“This is the election that young people will finally vote” is right up there with “This is the year Texas turns blue” as far as bullshit prognostications go.

I’ve been hearing both for almost 20 years now.


I was infinitely entertained and even a little impressed as I watched the first two seasons of House of Cards, in which Frank Underwood, snubbed for Secretary of State by the President-Elect he helped put in office, begins a two-season campaign to bring down the President and take the office for himself.

Badass, right? But it’s only as I watch Rudy and Pence and Pompeo and everyone else that I realize what it must have been like for the Americans in the show who watched the whole thing play out on the sidelines. Gaff after gaff, scandal after scandal, corruption out in the open and everyone getting away with it, and just when you think you’ve got him–

I do think young people are more plugged in due to social media these days. I am probably playing the delusional optimist here for a change but there is at least a decent chance that they vote at a higher rate in 2020 than 2016 and previous cycles. They voted at a higher rate in 2018 than 2014 for example.

So did old people.

Democrats lost 2 senate seats.