The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Pelosi demanded the press ask questions about prescription pricing and USMCA before they could ask about impeachment at a press conference for impeachment.

She is the wrong person to be leading the democrats in the house. It would be hard to craft a worse democrat to deal with this impeachment.


I mean thatā€™s literally what is happening right? Pelosi said the committees will all continue their ongoing investigations but now weā€™re super serious and calling it an impeachment inquiry.

Trump is (rightly imo) counting on the fact that the public wonā€™t really see whatā€™s wrong with openly asking one of our international allies to investigate corruption that took place, at least partly, on foreign soil. Heā€™s doing it repeatedly, in the open, to further normalize it.

You can tell that heā€™s right about that by looking at how hard the collective left and media are trying to pretend like the Hunter Biden thing was not just a small fries case of rich people doing corrupt rich people things, but is in fact a wholly fabricated conspiracy theory with no hint of legitimacy. Thereā€™s a tacit admission in there that if the Biden thing has some truth behind it that people wonā€™t care so much about what Trump did.

And thatā€™s the problem with where we are right now. This story is completely inseparable from the Bidens, in no small part because Pelosi has limited the inquiry to this one minute issue. And instead of doing the right thing and saying ā€œregardless of whether Hunter Biden was getting paid to influence the adminstrationā€™s stance on this completely irrelevant issue involving a Ukrainian prosecutor, what Trump did was wrong and hereā€™s whyā€ we get ā€œTrump was attempting to get the Ukraine to look into these fabricated claims against the Bidensā€. The second version begs the question of whether those claims are actually fabricated, and Iā€™m not sure that the facts are wholly on our side there.

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Lol at China helping the Dems. :joy:

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Yup itā€™s the Washington Generals 1000th game and we are still expecting them to finally win one (I think the Generals actually kind of accidentally won a couple of games but you get my point). I am firmly in the camp of I need to see it to believe it and what we have seen over the last week or so is literally the same Dem playbook that got us here.

Iā€™m sick of it. We need a massive change at just about every level in the Dem party. And you know what, 2020 could be a catalyst for that. A party headed up by Warren or Bernie would be a seismic shift from the last 30 years where the party has been dominated by moderate/corporate zombies whose job is simply to give the optimists false hope while serving their fundraising masters.


You guys could easily be right. Weā€™ll have to see what happens. Iā€™ve been very unsuccessful handicapping the Trump presidency.

I mean itā€™s the fall of the republic if youā€™re right, but sure. There has to be a tipping point right?

Also back on Team WAAF. Nancy is sickeningly naive and useless.


Yeah not going to lie Nancy is scaring me.

I mean it when I say I hope you are right. I read your posts and literally feel hope. Then all this nagging doubt kicks in. It is the political equivalent of battered wife syndrome. I want to believe this is the time I stop getting repeatedly hurt by an entity that I so desperately want to be good. That I so desperately need to help me rather than hurt me.

I do think we are close to a tipping point where I think a lot of the average Dem voters out there see that and want real change and real representation. But things like Bidenā€™s polling and just the general acceptance of things like Nancyā€™s tenure make me fear that this isnā€™t real.

Yeah Iā€™m feeling similarly right this second tbh. I was feeling way more optimistic this morning. I really feel like we should stop investigating at this point and just immediately impeach the dude for what he said today in public + the Ukraine call transcript. We have enough and waiting around to investigate more fully is a huge error.

His line is wtf terrible if we react to it by caving his head in basically. If we blink he wins bigly here.

Not to mention our collective attention spans are down to about zero in 2019. If we wait and donā€™t have hearings for months on this people wonā€™t care and it wont seem like a big deal just like all of the rest of Trumpā€™s crimes.

FTR Iā€™m on team impeach him for all of it but I think that also should be able to be done quickly at this point. It isnā€™t like we havenā€™t spent literally the last 2.5 years ā€œinvestigatingā€ all this nonsense. The fact of the matter is that there is no real appetite in the majority of the Dem caucus to really do anything. Thatā€™s completely being laid bare by literally nothing happening so far (and them going on recess WTF) after Nancyā€™s speech.


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m at as well, fighting an internal battle whether to stay and fight if heā€™s still in office in 2021 or leave the country.

And you canā€™t investigate someone who is actively obstructing every step of the way. Throw on an obstruction of justice count for all the obvious obstruction but impeach him immediately. If we blink here itā€™s a tacit admission that this is fine and needs more deliberation.

Heā€™s being incredibly obvious which means we have to move as close to instantly as possible. Pelosi should be holding a press conference right now saying that Congress is going to go ahead and push through the articles of impeachment in the next 7 days.

Yeah my top choice right now is Costa Rica because itā€™s in a time zone I can work from.

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Please sign the petition :pray:

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Hereā€™s something helpful about the scoreboard for you of things that have happened since you last posted on this:

  1. Rudy Giuliani implicating errbody, threatening to drive whole bus of criminals off the cliff with him via ā€˜receiptsā€™
  2. Attorney General Barr implicated in multiple impeachable offenses, and has committed numerous smoking gun crimes (doesnā€™t admit any of it, and one of those was actively undermining the Mueller probe via QAnon originated theories)
  3. SOS Mike Pompeo implicated in multiple smoking gun impeachable offenses (admits he was on phone call), and is actively covering up and obstructing the investigation
  4. VP Mike Pence implicated in pressure campaign of Ukraine president tantamount to a smoking gun impeachable offense (admits his role, but claims ignorance on Biden connection despite his adviser being on the call and him having notes that talked about Biden). Trump advised the press to look into his phone calls last week, to try to take heat off of himself.

Additionally, when they did the Sunday circuit, we got Stephen Miller claiming Trump was the real whistleblower, Gym Jordan (lol), and Kevin McCarthy being clueless on 60 Minutes. Theyā€™re not sending their best, because almost no one is willing to go out and say anything in defense of this turd other than his rabid fan base of QAnon clowns. McConnell has been silent other than saying that the Senate will do a trial if the House impeaches.

Remember, their narrative is not that he didnā€™t do this. Their narrative is anything that can keep them away from talking about what he did. This is the biggest news story since 9/11, and the dogs are not going away. That hidden phone call is the thread thatā€™s unraveling everything in Stupid Watergate, and this is the exact kind of meat investigative reporters look for in a story like this to start grabbing other threads.

You: Nothingā€™s happening, theyā€™re winning the narrative. Blah blah left media. Thereā€™s something to see here with Biden, maybe.

Trump is the president of the United States and extorted a vulnerable ally by withholding funds needed to protect them from Russia. Trump committed a smoking gun crime and released the transcript of it. But youā€™re talking about Hunter Biden, a guy who got a job because his daddy was famous (a story as old as time).

I mean, fuck Biden, but youā€™re here parroting exactly what the right wing media outlets want you to do. Every day weā€™re learning 10 new horrible things it seems like. This story isnā€™t going away, no matter how much noise Trump and his sycophants make. This is the whole point of being a reporter.


Yeah we thought he would be the type of person who puts the country ahead of politics, but at the end of the day he was a Republican chosen by a Republican to help protect another Republican. And in fact his appointment cut off any potential effort by the Pelosi Congress to appoint their own Ken Starr type as an IC and put together a real report on the Russia story. Sad really.

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We are looking pretty seriously at Costa Rica as well. Reasonably stable democracy, low cost of living, and beautiful outdoor spaces. Iā€™d be all for staying and fighting if we didnā€™t have a two-year-old. Weā€™ll go wherever gives us the best chance of maximizing his quality of life.

Edit: That said, I donā€™t want this to come across as fatalistic quite yet. We havenā€™t given up; just making sure we have a reasonable plan b.

Dude no. The right wing outlets certainly arenā€™t circulating ā€œThe Dems arenā€™t doing anythingā€ quite the opposite. They are all in on the Witch Hunt 2.0 narrative. So just stop with this demonizing anyone who doesnā€™t agree with you as somehow parroting right wing talking points. That is far from the case.