The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Keep in mind that they’re on a Congressional recess, and Pence (number 2) and Pompeo (number 4) have been implicated in impeachable offenses during this 2 week recess that no one had any idea of last week. 10 times more scandals have erupted since a few handfuls of Democratic House members are remaining in Washington to continue the investigation.

These clowns aren’t winning the news cycle at all, and they look exactly like clowns in the Twitterverse. These are criminals openly criticizing the investigation they are part of, saying they plan on obstructing it, and also creating new crimes off of the crimes that are going to get Trump impeached. This is a mushroom cloud of stupidity.

To Kevin McCarthy: You’re an idiot, they got 228 votes right now. They don’t need shit from you, you fucking toady.

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This is easy. Nancy just needs to ask herself what would the republicans say to her if she made that request as leader of the minority party.

Then just send laughing emojis back.

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That only matters if they care about looking like clowns, and they made it clear on day 1 that they didn’t:


This is what I think. He just keeps flooding new incidents of the same offenses while the democrats drag their feet on the original. This will work if the democrats don’t speed up and start adding every new possible offense to their inquiry.

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Here is the list of questions McCarthy wants Nancy Pelosi to answer.

  1. Do you intend to hold a vote of the full House authorizing your impeachment inquiry?
  2. Do you intend to involve the full House in each critical step of this inquiry, including defining its scope and establishing its rules and procedures?
  3. Do you intend to grant co-equal subpoena power to both the chair and ranking member at the committee level?
  4. Do you intend to require that all subpoenas be subject to a vote of the full committee at the request of either the chair or ranking member?
  5. Do you intend to provide the President’s counsel the right to attend all hearings and depositions?
  6. Do you intend to provide the President’s counsel the right to present evidence?
  7. Do you intend to provide the President’s counsel the right to object to the admittance of evidence?
  8. Do you intend to provide the President’s counsel the right to cross-examine witnesses?
  9. Do you intend to provide the President’s counsel the right to recommend a witness list?
  10. Do you intend to refer all findings on impeachment to Chairman Nadler and the Judiciary
    Committee, as prescribed by Rule X of the Rules of the House, or is Chairman Schiff in charge of leading this inquiry, as has been reported in the press?

How I think she should answer: (“Lol fuck off cuck” being more appropriate than actually answering.)
Yes to 1 and 10 assuming that rule X actually says that. 2-9 should be fuck off the individual committees are in charge of their portions.

How I think she will answer assuming she does:
No to all, mainly because I think she would prefer this doesn’t actually look like an impeachment inquiry.

Nah. There is no method. He is simply mashing keys.

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I don’t ever do things like this, but I’m going to give you a little behind the scenes dirt on season 3 because of how long ago it happened. As anyone who remembers knows, the show was the Puck and Pedro show (with Rachel [recently shown in a picture with her 9 kids at the WH] and her meager beginnings trying to be right in the center of it). Pedro was on a mission to gain awareness for HIV. Puck was on a mission to shit all over that. Pedro had no time for Puck. He didn’t give a Puck, and he won the battle easily.

On the night that Puck was kicked out, something else happened. He came back to outside the house…with a gun. They turned off the cameras, and he immediately left knowing his fame whoring wasn’t going to continue. Puck never knew where the line was, and his later legal problems proved that. There’s a story that I don’t think was ever reported, told to us by the director/producer. In b-roll, any scenes he was around, it was extremely stressful to watch. He was so incredibly unlikable and dangerous.

The other story from that season that is public (and shown) is that season could have ended reality TV as we know it forever. You probably remember they went to Hawaii, and they decided to do some stupid cliff diving segment. When Rachel went to do hers, she slipped. And if she hadn’t had a super survival instinct, she very easily could have died. When she slipped, she grabbed a tree off to her side, and it slowed her down just enough (can’t remember if she still went in, but I think she did).

It could have been really really bad. Instead, she got married, had 9 kids, and had a Congressman husband who probably loves Trump. I know she does, as after all, she came from meager beginnings.


Star Chamber is a solid band name.


LOL at anyone thinking that people voting for Trump care about looking like clowns. Also after a few days of optimism I am back on team WAAF. This should be a simple slam dunk for our side but I agree with JT it seems like they are moving very slowly. Very slowly. As in it seems like they are doing the same thing they have done all along. Pretend to do things while actually doing nothing of substance.

I hope nun and BS are right. I read Boredsocial posts and it fills me with optimism. I WANT to believe that stuff. But there is always this doubt in the back of my head because I have literally NEVER seen the Dems do anything of substance to advance a liberal/progressive agenda. I want to see them do it. I want BS and nun takes to be the reality that we live in. I think it is possible to get there but I don’t think it’s possible to get there with Pelosi/Schumer and the rest of them running the show.

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( twitter | raw text )

This is such a stupid line of questioning by him. I’ll help:

  1. Who knows?
  2. The jurisdiction of this is the JC, and they did that already. Full House has no say here.
  3. LOL
  4. This is pointless. GOP can block nothing on that committee.
  5. This had already been laid out in the rules that the JC voted on.
  6. Already laid out in the rules JC voted on.
  7. Already laid out in the rules JC voted on.
  8. Already laid out in the rules JC voted on.
  9. Already laid out in the rules JC voted on.
  10. This is a joint impeachment inquiry. The impeachment covers intelligence concerns (national security), so multiple committees will be in charge of what they’re in charge of that will all go back to JC. This is why you shouldn’t be minority leader. You’re clueless.

He got all his answers about the president’s rights in the way the impeachment inquiry was laid out when the JC did the vote after they returned from the last recess. There’s no reason to answer any of the questions other than that he’s a moron.

China’s gonna be working for the Dems. Don’t get it twisted.

Now we know we nunnehi is so ready to stan for the DNC. Overwhelming guilt for putting Trump in office. SMH.

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The obvious play is to just tell McCarthy to fuck off.


If you watched one episode of Survivor you’re complicit. Reality TV made it because of a writers’ strike in the late 90s. Survivor’s success caused reality TV to explode. Who made Survivor? The guy responsible for Trump.

I worked with Bunim-Murray in the pretty early days of their company (they’re obviously huge now), and their singular goal in the mid 90s was to try to get a reality show to network TV. There was no appetite for it. Turns out they were just one writers’ strike away from that happening 4 or 5 years later. I could be wrong, but I don’t think Mary-Ellis Bunim would have liked the direction Jonathan Murray took the company after she died. She had standards, and he was the business guy.


Or at least ask if his dumbass ever got around to reading a 7 page whistleblower report.

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