The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Why? All those people who didn’t vote before aren’t gonna be like “omg Ukraine! Muh rule of law!”

Just guessing, but the nonvoters gotta be like poor people, young people, and people who simply don’t care. It’s not like the economy crashed and all the poor people are starving, and the people who don’t care lost their jobs. You really only have possible new voters from the young people group. But imo nothing new that would mobilize them has happened since Nov 2018 (if they voted in 2018, they’d be picked up as likely voters in polls).

And you can bet your ass the GOP will be using some of those hundreds of millions they just raised to message to young people that the Dem nominee, whoever it is, is also really bad, and you - my free thinking young lad - are too smart to vote for either of these two evils.

I mean we’re expecting rank and file Trump voters to jump ship when we have this?

All the Australian stuff is bewildering to try to follow. Like lol at the idea that Downer is some kind of international provocateur on behalf of the FBI, he is the last guy you would approach for such a mission. The explanation that he’s a stickler for the rules and immediately notified improper conduct to the FBI makes vastly more sense.

Then there’s Joe Hockey’s letters, as Ambassador to the US. People keep posting them on Twitter like it’s obvious they have some meaning, they read like the purest pablum to me. They’re just bland formal language stating that Australia will fulfill its obligations. I wouldn’t derive any conclusion from them as to what Australia’s real position on any of this is. The idea that the current government would be a natural ally of the Trump administration is fantasy imo. For one thing, the trade war against China is extremely dangerous for our national interest, China being our largest export partner.


Correct, impeachment is a real loser compared to Ds previous position of ignoring Trump’s historic corruption, focusing on the issues and knifing each other over Medicare for all vs. Public Option.


I would agree that not much of this moves the needle with Trump’s base. Democrats or independents who stayed home rather than pulling the lever for Hillary may be a little more likely to come out. So we’ve got that going for us…which is nice.

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Pretty interesting article comparing the hit done on the Clintons ahead of 2016 and how they tried to do the same thing to Biden ahead of 2020.

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Season 3, San Francisco


You are both lucky and correct. That is still the best season ever.

Seems like a pretty solid strategy since it has 60% of Republicans thinking he didn’t mention investigating Biden on the Ukraine call. Facts don’t matter anymore to tens of millions of Americans.

Meanwhile Pelosi’s hemming and hawing over whether we really should impeach the motherfucker.

Counterpoint: Rugrats

The guy who was the credit throwing post supervisor was also the post supervisor on Rugrats. I wanted to work on that show in college, but it ended. Even though he didn’t deserve it as a person, he got a certain amount of props/awe from me for working on that show.

I mean the demographic shift alone (from four years of dying deplorables, kids reaching voting age, millennial Democrats reaching the age where they actually vote reliably) should be enough to easily tip those three critical states plus a few surprise ones. And I think people really underestimate how many casual “reasonable” people with no deplorable tendencies decided to take a flyer on Trump in 2016 but now firmly realize he’s a POS. Combine that with even mildly enthusiastic Democratic turnout and he should get killed.

It’s really all gonna come down to how bad the voter suppression, vote machine hacking, etc. turn out. It’s gonna have to be pretty severe IMO to counter the above. And knowing this administration, they’ll do it in the most inept way possible, like “oh look in this county Trump got 2x more votes than there are registered voters! And in this one he won literally 7802-0”.

So I’m caught up now. Looks like:

Trump is doing all the collusion to try to normalize it.

Dems are moving way too slowly, and losing the messaging war to a guy literally yelling “I did it and I also did it here and there and back over there and I’m still doing it! But it’s very presidential by your stable genius!”

Boredsocial is the new nunnehi.


Or the old one, depending on your POV

Don’t get it twisted, Trump’s his hero (his boy is running immigration policy), and he knows he now has no shot of winning his Senate seat back in Alabama. Sessions isn’t really a litmus test as all the policy he’s been advocating for years is now finally being done right out in the open. He wants to party like it’s 1864, and he thinks he’s on the verge of getting to do that.

I’m partial to Season 2, Los Angeles, but this is a reasonable take.

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Any response to this other than laughing in McCarthy’s stupid face and I’ll be joining Team WAAF.