The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Using this logic, how many “should” Democrats pick up in 2020?

On a related note what do wil and wim mean? I get it’s something to do with heart and confidence or the lack of it, but could never pin it down.

As I recall, the only presidents who were impeached or close to it were all in their seconds terms. Trump has not even yet hit year 3 and he is already almost guaranteed for articles to be approved by the House. I want the guy out of office yesterday, but in all historical context, things are moving at a blistering pace.

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Seemed relevant


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They were on a dead map in 2016. In 2016, we were looking at a potential 2018 GOP 60 Senate majority, and massive edge in the House if the GOP had even a single clue how to govern and Trump wasn’t the flailing moron he is. Instead, we smoked them in the House, and we only lost a few seats where we could easily have been toast in the Senate (every single Senator we lost was terrible, and no big loss based on how they voted). We even made multiple good pick ups to offset some of the losses.

2022 was always considered the year in 2018 where the Democrats could pick up enough seats to get back to 50. It’s now ‘possible’ they could get 52 or 53 in 2020. The way things are going that might not even be a bad guess. The curb stomping will likely continue in the House.

wanting/ willing it more/ less

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“Possible”? Sure. But still unlikely.

Also remember that a “big Democratic win” likely means the Chuck and Nancy show in the legislative branch.

About the best we can hope for in 2020 is avoiding complete disaster.

This case isn’t nearly as complicated as Watergate. The White House itself has released enough that is clearly impeachable. And this has been ongoing for nearly 3 years with little to nothing happening that is a loss for Trump. I’m failing to see what there is to be optimistic about.

Again I hope I am wrong. I really do. I’ve been hoping I’ve been wrong since oh 2016 or so. But it hasn’t really materialized. Trump has marched on almost completely unimpeded. Every attempt to do anything from Kavanaugh to Russia to all the other stuff has just happened with literally zero meaningful pushback.

I agree with you it’s unlikely especially with Chuck and Nancy at the helm.

You say this kind of stuff a lot. Lay out your strategy for Democratic success: Impeachment, elections, goals, etc. You have a lot of conflicting goals from what you say.

In fact, they should announce that they will refer charges on obstruction to the DOJ now (to be formal) and then they’ll do it again in 2021. This attorney general shouldn’t get to decide whether or not to charge himself and his own co-conspirators. They could also impeach him, but obviously referring charges to the next DOJ is a more fear-inspiring threat than letting Mitch and Lindsey decide what happens to them.

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We just found out about this less than 2 weeks ago. Lawyers are involved. You know how slow they move (no offense to the lawyers ITT LOL). How fast do you expect this to happen? I mean they have been saying they are hoping to do this by Thanksgiving. This shit is just not going to happen in one news cycle. It’s just not.

You aren’t wrong about how fast lawyers move but basically nothing has happened in congress since Nancy’s speech. And frankly a lot more damning stuff as come out. I think they could move as fast as they want to. And I don’t think anyone could surmise from what has happened since the Ukraine thing broke that their goal is to move as fast as possible. How do you make the case to the American people that DJT is a clear a present danger to our country when you move at this speed and literally take a recess during a national emergency. It undermines their own case.

I’m optimistic about voter turnout in 2020, but I’m pessimistic about voter suppression (both legal and illegal forms) and straight up cheating.


I have enough 22 exposure to have made a poobah post in a strategy forum. Iron81 was politics mod and mocking ACers was the thing when I started posting, but I’ve kind of gone in and out of politics instead of posting continuously. I can explain the gist of things like lolikes and the BruceZ affair. I can’t tell you about the differences between Unchained posters who were exiled from regular politics and wouldn’t recognize their posting styles.

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Have you seen the echo millennial graph?

We have not had the numbers the last 20 years. So many boomers.

LOL Urban Dictionary approved this in 2 minutes.

I posted this under the tag Unstuck Politics so I better get royalties if this becomes a meme!


And who’s fault is that? “Hey everyone, we’re at an urgent moment in our nation’s history as the most corrupt president ever has just committed a blatantly impeachable offense that forces us to immediately open an impeachment inquiry. Alright? Cool. See you in two weeks. Enjoy the vacay!”

The problem is that the majority of Americans have enough trouble remembering to brush their own teeth twice a day while putting the cap back on the tube both times. They don’t have the time (or interest) to keep up with all of the tubes Trump is opening and then stomping on.

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Among many other things, we got the Drudge report pushing impeachment. What do you want Scarlett Johansen in a bikini flying down on the impeachment eagle to take Trump away in cuffs. Enjoy the meltdowns, enjoy the suffering, enjoy drunk Cory and Rudy on TV. This is what winning looks like.