The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Attacking the WB doesn’t even help at this point. The transcript they released is a head shot.


In reality, sure, but their angle is that the WB report doesn’t match up with the “perfect” phone call transcript.


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They are from a town less than a hour for me. They are awful.

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Gallup Trump approval came out. It’s published twice a month. This one is pretty much all post-WB and the previous was pretty much none. Approval dropped from 43 to 40, which is pretty much the all time average. Not good enough imo.

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Trump has just called on Ukraine AND China to investigate Biden.

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Thing is… if this was a murder investigation the Ukraine aid timeline is the murder weapon being found in your car (along with some spent shell casings from the murder since you shot the victim from your personal vehicle)… and the transcript is the video tape showing both your face and the cars license plate. It doesn’t much matter how reputable the person who told the cops that you had the tape in your apartment is… you turned it over when they asked for it and it’s conclusive proof that you murdered that dude.

The WB can’t possibly have any better evidence than the timeline + transcript which are an absolutely savage 1-2 punch. The house literally doesn’t need anything else to impeach, which is why this is moving so fast.

It wasn’t on a secret phone call, so no big deal I guess. They should attach this to the impeachment articles though.

In plain sight!


Like the time he publicly called on Russia to investigate Hillary’s e-mails only to be later “exonerated” from doing exactly that by Muellol. Impeachment should have started the day the Dems took control of the House.

It confuses the issue, and that’s the only strategy they have.

Shouldn’t be long until the transcript of him threatening more tariffs or else… leaks.

So Nicklebackgate was just another Trump lie.

Yeah it sure sounds like an idiots defense strategy. Thing is it’s absolutely mind meltingly stupid and it’s going to get him removed from office. At this point he’s fitting the GOP Senators with cement shoes. They can either vote to remove him or they can be on the record as supporting this insanity.

This dude is doing more damage to the GOP than anyone on the outside ever could. He’s so bad I’m starting to wonder if HRC losing to him wasn’t a good thing. He’s just that poisonous.

Really loving Fox holding onto him for dear life as well. They could very easily end up at the bottom of the ocean along with him.

Why does it feel like this is going to work for him? Oh, because this has worked every. Single. Time.

I know that sharps ITT are explaining how this time is different, and I’m allowing myself to feel a bit of hope but… I can definitely see a pathway for ol Donny to wriggle out of this one too. If he can sucessfully normalize calling on foreign leaders to investigate legit (lol) corruption, and we can’t prove quid pro quo, are we back to square one?


Taxing our Whiskys was the last straw for me. :tumbler_glass:/s


Thing is 2020 is still on the schedule… and nothing he’s doing is making the people he’d need to stay in office after losing the election more likely to side with him. In fact it’s a mortal lock that they hate his guts as much as we do…

So yeah he probably doesn’t get removed from office, but the turnout wave the Democrats are going to ride in 2020 could deliver better results than Reagan got vs Mondale.

There are no good ways for this to end for the GOP… and at this point I really don’t care what happens to Donald in the short run. I only care about how much harm this does to the establishment in Washington. Hopefully it’s fatal. It’s totally unprecedented so it really could be.

Let’s pump the brakes a bit.


Hopefully Volker is spilling some tea behind closed doors this morning.