The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Would have been so much better if it spelled ‘KOOL’.

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Man, if you had told me 5 years ago that in 2019 Matt Drudge would be stanning for the impeachment of the republican president and Vice President possibly leading to a President Pelosi… I would not have believed you. What a time to be alive.

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Amazing troll opportunity for someone near him:

Trump: Coo?
Adviser: Coo
Trump: Coo
Adviser: Coo
Trump: Coo
Adviser: Coo, exactly


I am just hearing Pence is wrapped up in this. The fact that he might also get impeached makes me so so sad. Not.

Actually, the times I’ve heard him say it he says it correctly, in fact he lets the oooo sound ring out a bit as if he’s trying to impress people that he knows about the existence of silent letters

There is mayyyyyyyybe a chance the Republican Senate cuts bait and votes to kick out Trump. There is no chance in hell they decide to make Nancy Pelosi the POTUS. Maybe they cut some kind of deal where Pence gets to pick a VP who will become his successor, but President Pelosi is less likely than me quantum tunneling into my neighbor’s apartment.



Apparently silent ‘p’ words can be tough. Even got GOATbama once.

Starting to think the strategy is to let him twist in the wind by letting This drag out as long as possible until the republicans in the senate coming begging for an indictment (impeachment) so they convict and remove their albatross.

It would go like Agnew. They get Pence first, then the GOP gets to install their own puppet as Veep. They then convict Trump, and their hand picked new Veep ascends to president. There’s practically no chance Pelosi would be president.

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That ^ turned out unintentionally pro nickelback but I’ll leave it be, or maybe someday I’ll fix it

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Yeah there’s no way it wouldn’t go down like this. The good thing is that the VP appointment requires approval from both houses, so hopefully Mitch and Nancy would negotiate to put in somebody relatively non-toxic and who hopefully has no ambitions of running in 2020.


Need explanation

I just looked at all the GOP senators, and see no one they would let in without those kind of ambitions. I think one they might agree on is Dan Coats, but he might be too close to all this.