The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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So much this. You donā€™t even want to know the excuses I hear from Trumpkins (my parents) about why he wonā€™t release them. They even defended his massive tax losses in the 90s as a good thing
Heā€™s just so savvy he went bankrupt on purpose to take advantage of tax laws!

Sounds like the type to turn down a raise to avoid falling into a higher tax bracket.

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Does anyone else feel Pompeoā€™s response has been disproportionately emphatic? Iā€™m wondering if heā€™s so defiant because he knows there is direct evidence that he was on lots more calls like these, and he was the person who realized what was at stake and began the coverup. If he knows that any more progress in the investigation always ends with him going to prison, heā€™s now like a short stack holding 7-2. No choice but to move all in and pray.


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Does Trump even know what governors do?

You could have stopped here and had your answer.

Republicans will be using ā€œpro-Crooked Hillaryā€ as a campaign talking point for decades to come. Like how does the governor of Mississippi being pro-Hillary in 2019 matter at all? Sheā€™s irrelevant to anyone except right wing idiots. Jfc these people.


What about VETS?

I assume I should be laughing, but this one went over my head

Trump is a complete nut and has totally lost it. I wonder how far heā€™d have to go before something was done about it. Iā€™m not talking about impeaching him, I mean just for being a complete nut.

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Not that this means much of anything, but I overheard two people talking about how they canā€™t vote for Trump again.

I am surrounded by Trump voters daily. They now just laugh and default to something something Biden everyone is a crook what am I gonna do vote for Liz Warren?

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Nah. Just been mainlining that Fox News, Glenn Beck and Rush for 15+ years now.

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It just means thatā€™s where he went, so heā€™s obviously the smartest guy in the room and knows how to handle all of it. :confused:

RU-DY! RU-DY! RU-DY! is an idiot

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Ohhhhhhh. That punchline just hit me at 88mph, sending me back in time to laugh at the OP