The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

I found it, and I butchered context a bit. It was Nicholas Kristof. He said it’s not normal for SOS to be on a ‘routine’ phone call as this was supposed to be. He suggested that the call was considered extremely important, because the SOS was on it. It’s around 16:15 of Lawrence’s show.

Calls that aren’t ‘routine’ in this White House are highly restricted. This one wasn’t, and you see what happened when Trump went off script. Someone didn’t get the memo. I’m happy to take the L here.

What does this mean? The linked article doesn’t discuss it at all


Might be completely routine for Pompey to be on the call idk but he was on the Sunday yak shows acting like he had no knowledge of it. The lede buried once again.

This has massive potential

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I hope nickelback sues Trump.

5 seconds in paint…


Fake noos.

New forum doesn’t have undertitle, does it? It should have been Whiner in Chief for the bot.

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You’re nasty would be mine… I think someone can put undertitles, maybe admin.

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So that whole urgent meeting was just propaganda and bullshit?

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The suggestion is that he was sharing that they were trying to undermine the State Department employees by threatening the ones who were being asked to testify with conspiracy theories and propaganda to make them look bad. We may never know what the actual meeting was about, but the main suggestion is that they’re smearing or attempting to smear people as retaliation.

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SDNY shows they too are lap dogs

The whole “when you see this you will shit brix” thing is a bit old.

Barron your dad sucks.

The full weight and resources of the United States Department of Justice are being mobilized to hide the fact that Donald was a busto liar before he ran for President. And millions are OK with it.

If each one of those just personally donated one dollar, he could be rich, a millionaire even, for a week or so until he blows it.

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I prefer the Vine version

First candidate to come out with a plan for Vine 2.0 gets my vote.



Just saw Trump’s press conference with the President of Finland.

Even by Trump standards that is some off the wall insanity. Wow!


Not sure if good politics or a bad look
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