The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Appointed as State IG in 2013 by Obama, per Wiki.


Linick is also a former nominee of the George W. Bush administration and top official in the Bush Justice Department. After serving as an assistant U.S. attorney in the 1990s and early 2000s, he took on key Justice Department roles that included rooting out contract fraud in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Bush nominated him to be the first inspector general for the Federal Housing Finance Agency in 2008. Bush left office before he could be confirmed, but Barack Obama renominated him and he was confirmed in 2010.

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Make sure you’re clear about which IG you’re talking about because there are so many being consulted right now.

ICIG=Trump appointee
State IG=Obama appointee (been here nearly 3 years into Trump, so they must not have hated him…until now)

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Understood. I responded directly to a posted tweet about the State IG.

Hahaha, they read that Amy Berman Jackson threat right. ‘Preserve it, or it will all be made public’…hahahahahahhaha

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Sorry, grunched that.

Breaking news is that the State IG meeting was just to provide documents to support Trump conspiracy theories.


Putin Says He Doesn’t Mind if Private Talk With Trump Is Made Public

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said on Wednesday that he would not mind if the White House made public his talks with President Trump at a summit meeting last year, because there was nothing incriminating in their conversations.

Just five days earlier, Mr. Putin’s spokesman had said the Kremlin would not want records of the two presidents’ talks released. But Mr. Putin, a former K.G.B. spy, said his previous job had taught him that any conversation he had could be published.

“Therefore, when they tried to spin another scandal over our meeting with President Trump in Helsinki, we told the administration directly: If someone wants to find out something, publish; we are not against it,” the Russian president said at an energy conference in Moscow. “I can assure you there was nothing there that could compromise President Trump.”


So, let’s say Trump is impeached but not convicted and then loses the election. How does America survive two and a half months of a lame-duck Trump? It doesn’t seem possible that we could.

Would it be unusual for the secretary of state to be involved in a phone call with a head of state? Seems like the sort of thing your head diplomat might get involved in, idk.

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According to a person on a show the other night who knows how this stuff works (can’t remember who it was), it’s apparently considered highly unusual for the SOS to listen in on a call with a world leader (can’t remember exact context of how this came up). I think it was on Monday night, but can’t remember if it was on Rachel, Lawrence, or Brian Williams. My guess is Lawrence.

hey who am I to argue with a person on a show


I found five unopened packs of these cards in my attic when I moved into my house in 2016. I wonder if they’re worth anything. They’re from the mid 80s.

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Although this OTHER person, on another show, says it is not unusual.

However this show was on the radio (yawn), if he was actually a serious professional take-haver he would surely be on Rachel or Lawrence or Brian or Chris. Especially Lawrence, I saw that guy interview Sergeant Brody after he was rescued from Iraq on the Showtime documentary Homeland and damn that was some hard hitting stuff.

LOL “calling on” Mike Pompeo to do anything but stuff his face with lard and commit crimes to defend Donald Trump. What a waste of time and energy.

( twitter | raw text )

Consider the source(s), but Ben Rhodes and Tommy Vietor (Obama NSC folks) said on their podcast that it is actually pretty unusual for Sec’y of State to sit in on these types of calls. They will probably be read in later, but he entire reason why you have background briefings before the call takes place and readouts of the call after they happen (and why you shouldn’t have a completely incompetent POTUS) is so that the Pres can handle what should be fairly routine calls with foreign leaders without having to round up lots of cabinet officials everytime the President needs/wants to make a phone call.

Of course, this POTUS can’t be trusted to stick to the talking points, or to provide reliable info about the discussion, so Pompeo probably has been baby sitting on lots more calls than, say Hillary or John Kerry did w/ Obama.

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