The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Earlier, before he went to the IG

It’s almost as if…the whistleblower knew the WH would try and quash the complaint going to Congress.

#TrumpMeltdown trending. Inject that shit into my veins.

Any videos out yet? I don’t really see anything online.

I would love to get a date on when the WB went to the House aide.

Was watching Kellyanne’s presser from last week earlier (well, half of it…couldn’t take it anymore after a while), and the same thought entered my mind. The entire time she was on Level 11 of personal attacks on the media, yelling at the reporters in front of her, demeaning them, condescension, etc.

It was a clear and obvious sign that they have no real defense for the basic facts which are now known.

You can jump around here. Chances are you’ll hit on a tantrum.


He’s unraveling in real time

The last thing he says in this video is “No Republicans have raised concerns.”

Complete delusion and denial.

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Serious question. Why do reporters ask him anything?

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That’s funny, Christopher Columbus said practically the same thing as he was gobbling up and renaming islands in the Caribbean during his first voyage. ‘They did not object’.

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She says this as if that’s not the whole point, like they’re just accidentally always making the worst possible choices.

A good mob boss knows to implicate those around him. Or a bad mob boss. Your choice.

During Watergate, the NYT printed transcripts of the Nixon tapes when Nixon said “shit.” It was something that was considered very transgressive back in the day to print profanities like that.

From reading a lot of newspapers from the 70s recently, you’d probably be surprised at the words that were allowed and the ones that weren’t.

So when’s this emergency IG meeting going down?