The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Trump has also ruined the Drinking game for 2020 :cry: after all how can we only drink to his very limited vocabulary?

  1. The Best?
  2. Big
  3. Beautiful
  4. Socialist
  5. Keep
  6. America
  7. Great
  8. Again
  9. Coop
  10. Moat (Whatever that is).
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tRUmp and Co. like to tout his academic credentials so he has no excuse for claiming ignorance. If he’s supposed to be the smartest man in the room he is fully cognizant of the criminality.


Did you know that the Mandarin word for wood/tree is MU? Maybe Rump is trying to tell us something.

He said that in 2011

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“You have a great democracy. Keep it going on.”

We have Scandinavian presidents straight up trolling our leader.


Yeah, there is no scenario in which he doesn’t get primaried had he kept up with the anti-Trump rhetoric. He was a top-2 Never Trumper in congress before doing a 180. He probably just checked the polls.

“It’s a beautiful idea. Alligators. America has the best alligators. Ever heard of the American alligator? Named after America, because it’s american made. Some even say that America has the best alligators in the entire world. So we use these alligators, because they’re American, and no one does wall like I do. I know wall people. And to have good wall you need good moat. And to have good moat you need good alligator. The best alligators - big, beautiful American ones.”

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Saw this in a Reuters article. More corroboration on President Crimes.

“I was on the phone call,” Pompeo told reporters during a visit to Italy, confirming previous media reports.

He said Trump’s comments had come within the context of U.S. policymaking, including cutting corruption in the east European state, boosting the economy and “taking down the threat Russia poses there in Ukraine.”

“I know precisely what the American policy is with respect to Ukraine, it’s been remarkably consistent. We will continue to try to drive those set of outcomes,” he said.

Nothing to see here folks, it’s all above board, move along.

To be fair, anything on a moat boat is technically above board.

So he got 10 billion dollars to fix 69 miles of dilapidated fencing



It’s just embarrassing


I like this reporter. He doesn’t take Trump’s shit/lies.


Trumps losing it too

Do they mean today, or earlier than today?