The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Trump scandals are like internet porn.

The first few times, or if you’ve had a long break, it is exciting. But after constant exposure, even with increasingly explicit content, it’s effect diminishes.

Trump is out there doing the political equivalent of anime horse pron and we have no capacity for shock remaining.

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It’s not anime.

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QAnon confirmed


What’s a moot? (In the voice of the my cousin vinny judge obviously)


To be fair, when I heard it, I assumed all that stuff about alligators and snakes was a Moot point.



No no, it’s a moo point, you know, like a cow’s opinion.

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Have I been on this board for too long, or did that all just make sense?

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Grunching by 500-600 posts - been moving the last few days and still don’t have Internet (tomorrow, 11a-1p window, let’s hope he or she shows up before 3 lol)…

But I think their Trumpism exit plan and long term strategy is interesting given that the powers that be in GOP politics really only care about low taxes for the rich. The question is how to trick a bunch of poor people into voting for that.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer is more basic than they think… That if they shifted toward the center on a bunch of social issues, and really pushed the American Dream narrative, they could sell people on “All it takes to be rich is some hard work, you’re going to be rich some day and then the evil socialist Dems will be coming for YOUR money.”

They could also widen their definition of rich and basically tell the <
1% they need to share those sweet tax cuts with the top 10% to make attaining the benefits of GOP policy more realistic for more voters. I bet the polling discrepancy between “Do you expect to ever make $10 million a year?” and “Do you expect to ever make $1 million in a year?” and “Do you expect to ever make $150,000 in a year?” is pretty crazy when compared to actual statistics.

That, guns, hawkish foreign policy, centrist but more conservative immigration policy (ie amnesty with penalties, expanding legal immigration but not by much, border security instead of a border wall) could be enough to compete while dropping most of the bigotry.

So sort of going back to the 2000-2008 strategy while dropping almost all racism, homophobia, sexism, etc… That could get a lot of votes from woke millennials who view themselves as soon to be rich, while still getting some of their current base.

Like if they dropped all the bigotry, we had Medicare for all who want it, we had an assault weapons ban, and we hadn’t waded into a stupid war in 10 years or so, I could see a lot of current members of the liberal base voting for a candidate promising a tax cut for people who make $150K+ and nothing too insane with regard to other policies.

Yeah if they hadn’t been about big military, crazy social policies, broken healthcare, had actually passed a carbon tax that made the oncoming climate nightmare less scary, and were telling me that it wasn’t fair for me to have to pay for these boomers retirement/healthcare costs skyrocketing I’d probably be on board.

There’s some elements of truth to libertarianism if you work hard at not making it terrible. It takes a lot of hard work to make it palatable, but upper middle class educated white people could have been gotten.

Of course instead they went full warmonger followed by full Trump. They’re dead to me as a result.

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He corrected it dammit

Zelensky has always said he would make peace with Russia, it was part of his campaign. He was elected by 73% of Ukrainians. They agreed to a prisoner swap weeks ago and you don’t sign up to something like this out of the blue. The formula he’s backing was designed by the German President (when he was foreign minister) and is backed by the EU, who have come out in support of the move. The people out on the streets of Ukraine protesting now are far right nationalists.

God knows how this will work out for Ukrainians, probably not well given the absolute mess their country is in and the violence and corruption that underlies almost everyone in a position of power there, but not everything is about the US and your idiot president.


Yeah, but because of THE BOT and the awesomeness of this site, we have a record of it just a few posts north.

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Yeah and screen shotted it just in case

I have often thought Trump’s final exit plan was a communications network/platform of some sort, since it seems obv Fox will eventually be done with him.

Oann kinda fucked him on that gig, that network is basically what Trump TV would have been.

I guess it’s conceivable that he launches it anyway because he’s a horrible businessman.