The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Cameron’s a ■■■■■

Man PSA has really gone downhill.


It doesn’t matter. That transcript was damning as fuck. I would love to see how it could get worse don’t get me wrong… but I really don’t see how it could.

I love how the Trump admin guys are trying to obstruct still like the Dems don’t already have enough. At this point they can just tack on additional counts of impeachment for obstruction and keep plowing along…

And good luck getting any support from your underlings on obstruction when the game is already over. They know that obstructing now gets them jailed in the Warren administration. That ship has already sailed for Pompeo/Barr but not so much for the people who report to them. They are going to sing like canaries to protect their careers/freedom now.


Same number from this subway ad

Edit: I had to call it, it’s a working number with a “Crazy Rudy” imposter on the voicemail greeting.



I liked Cameron, he made the mistake of not completely silencing those Brexiters in his party or kicking them out of the party (which would have ended his leadership and probably given Corbyn the government- so maybe not a mistake?). He was a smart world leader that tried to push free trade and open borders.

He’s also partly responsible for 130,000 UK residents losing their life’s through austerity.
Edit: he’s also responsible for many life’s took in London and elsewhere because of the lack of policing, he helped food banks grow though.

He’s a bigger ■■■■ than BJ tbh. And is a perfect example of why you don’t want a smarter version of Trump as some people may actually fall for his BS.

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No. superuberbob was spot on.


No Rocket Man tweets. Curious.

He’s totally cool with his BFF shooting off missiles

He’s such a fucking simpleton.

It’s like if Lennie from Of Mice and Men had access to twitter


I think the point is to do so much illegal stuff that nobody can keep up with it. Luring Dems into putting a billion different articles for impeachment makes it easier for them to scream witch hunt and makes it more palatable for the ignorant apolitical types

This seems like a hilariously bad strategy. Confirming that the other side is 100% right about you every news cycle… that’s not crazy like a fox it’s just actually insane.

In other news Trump is not an intelligent person.

Not sure if houndstooth or herringbone suit.
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He probably didn’t just make this up himself and I wouldn’t put it past Kavanaugh to cite the chain emails in the majority decision giving Trump a third term.


I picked up a copy after reading this post. … it’s a fairly short essay so it is probably online somewhere but I like having books. Also, fu Amazon, $5.50 delivered I can never quit you.

Interesting read, I would recommend to others. It’s … too long? I felt like half of the essay was spent discussing “humbug” not “bullshit” and then there was a weird take aggressively deconstructing a woman’s statement that she felt like a run-over dog, and how and why this angered a philosopher. That’s like half the essay.

But the rest was good. Hell, it’s all probably good and I just didn’t get it … “bullshit” is agnostic to the truth, he argues, and bullshit is about convincing someone of what the speaker believes … bullshit distinct from lies, which imply a level of mutual respect for facts.

He said he wasn’t going to tackle why lies make us angrier than bullshit, but I think it’s all right there in the word “respect.”

Anyways, good rec, thanks.

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